
I feel this. *hugs*

I hate him so much, and I’m so, so tired.

He thinks he’s Monty fucking Hall (RIP, btw). He thinks a desperate crowd of hurricane survivors are an audience. He thinks he is the benevolent game show host, and that giving out “prizes” will win him the adoration of his loyal viewers. This is actually a horrifying tableau reminiscent of feudal times. The people of

I still mourn that baby metroid. They did a terrific job of injecting personality into what is essentially a faceless monster parasite.

Thanks, new Editor In Chief NegaScott128!

See, Eniko? We told you that you would be out here looking crazy if you kept talking on social media.

Whoa now. I reserve the right to call anyone, regardless of sex, gender, race, or ethnicity; ‘man’.

Well, he IS delicious.

LOL. I’m glad you like the herpes sore comment. I meant it. In the most horrible way possible.

Hey, girl! You awesome. Just letting you know about something that you already know.

The graphics make Weird Dreams more nightmarish. I thought he was being attacked by fleshy appendages, but it turned out to be a candy machine.

Yes. You’re the reason why kickstarter video game funding is down. Thanks for letting us all know.

My Mom and Dad had 5 kids together (3 boys/2 girls). I can’t remember a specific “the talk”. It was basically a life of stories of what it was like for them to to grow up Black in rural Alabama. An unincorporated former”company town”/iron workcamp called Woodward, Al. Racism ran rampant, and the Klan were regular

> “one of his earliest involved the Ultimate Online”

As a former alcoholic, those cans are just pitiful lies. Not a decent mix to taste the jack, not quality, expensive for what they are.

Personally I’d rather have a dog piss in my mouth, but what do I know?

it seems almost, dangerous, in a way?

The master race, ALL HAIL \o/

Penis-gun, huh?

If anyone complains about them, show them this gay pride parade picture: