
I did a bit of the “I won’t miss X, Y, and Z” about my last position but they really pushed me to talk about the transition “down.” They rephrased the questions three different ways. I realize that it was an unusually aggressive interview, and I’m glad I got the job, but holy hell.

Been there done that. Now happily ensconced in the job for which I was overqualified for 10 years - though I’ve been promoted twice, so now not so overqualified.

This is the most irritating question. “I want to work here because I need to receive a paycheck in order to not be homeless” should be more than enough.

I’d appreciate advice on how to answer this question when the job you’re interviewing for is perceived as a step down from your previous job, or if your degree “over qualifies” you for the position. That’s the reality a lot of us are facing and that question— “Why would you want to go from working at XXXX to working