
Don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes but Dove comes across as being particularly insensitive to Ms. Lee’s concern. They pushed back pretty hard (and mad quick!) on the idea that this is anything other than an original Dove concept. I mean, I guess with the deepest pockets of all concerned, I understand why.

Damon is the type of dude that probably says shit like, “I married up,” or “ my wife is the brains in the family,” or “my wife is so much smarter than me,” or any other such seemingly self-deprecating faux-enlightened-man cliche from his grab bag of gender brown-nosing trite inauthenticities. His in-defense


Lame. According to my mama, my birth certificate and my skin color I have been a black-ass man for an awfully long time. But no, please throw up the Russian bot red herring whenever you are too lazy, uninformed or uninspired to defend your group think ass, herd mentality, community approved talking point. Yes, the

This is such a stupid fucking article. If Obama had a 40+ year career in public service, following your logic we wouldn’t have elected him president. Because I guarantee you Obama would’ve said some stupid shit at one point or another over the course of 40 years that would’ve made him not “deserve black people.” Keep

We should pause the outrage machine for a second. So this policy is not unique to the Warwick Public School district or to the state of Rhode Island. In fact thousands of school districts across the country quite likely have this very same policy on their books. Only when it becomes onerous to the school district or

Thats gonna be a hard no, fam. Furthermore, this is a mealy-mouthed-ass article. I just dont see myself being convinced to rethink my visceral dislike of douchebag Kanye or his art, since I have no intentions of separating the two. I am not even gonna act like you may have a valid perspective, cause you

Not sure we should succumb to our most base instinct of scorched earth retribution for everyone we now deem to have slighted the culture. By conflating all three we now run the risk of diluting our very good arguments as to why Kanye’s missteps were so egregious on its own. As to why R. Kelly’s deviance was so egregiou

No. Kanye at this point does not get my sympathy, my empathy, my beef patty. PJ’s recent piece best sums up how I feel about Kanye West. Fuck that negro Kanye with the passion of 12,ooo slaves! Equivocating think pieces like this reminds me of all the people who are trying to humanize or normalize Trump’s pathology.

 When Donald Trump tweets to Kanye West, he is wielding Kanye’s blackness as a weapon against black people.

Yeah...I’m gonna take a hard pass on this explanation. Danielle, more power to you mama and best of luck as you continue your journey with this illness. But, I am not buying the-Kanye-may-be-bipolar cop out. It’s too convenient an excuse for his deplorable fuckshit. From my vantage point up here on this gotdamn high

You should hurry up and finish your book so you can get on with the business of writing substantive articles for The Root instead of this filling-a-quota vapid drivel. You can actually write. Stop embarrassing yourself with these bullshit ‘articles.’

Nigga you were always the cool one. Give some of that bitchassness back to Damon. The BuzzFeed article is fine. I’m of a certain age as well and frankly didn’t know who the fuck Big Lez was until you pointed it out. She fine though...that’s my takeaway from this shit. Your article is the equivalent of doing a reach

Thank you! But contrarians have to contrary. Pretty sure Damon sat at home agonizing over what angle to take on this and came up with this know, because he damn near went pro and all. The mother was completely out of line. The son’s subsequent statement that his mom was just kidding smacks of damage

I won’t throw the baby out with the bathwater like Harriot. My biggest issue with the Dems capitulating is that they have now emboldened the hard-liners on the Republican side. Watching Trump crow about how he “wins” again is more than enough reason for me to have wholeheartedly backed the Dems if they had doggedly


Thank you. I’ve been reading Champ’s work for years and there is no doubt that he is a talented writer. But I’ve watched him falling prostrate at the feet of his female readership with this whole nauseating brand of self-flagellating faux feminism and to me it diminishes him as a writer. And the phrase“performative

As I read this piece I can’t help but to wonder: does the author really have an ax to grind with the religion, or more so with his family for turning their back on him because he is gay? I too grew up in this religion and I voluntarily left when I became old enough to make my own decisions. My grandmother, mother,