Oh sweet!
Oh sweet!
Wait, so when you say “Driving wont be a job in the future” my question is.... Won’t it??
Especially on carpet, they leave lines and make everything look orderly and clean.
Especially on carpet, they leave lines and make everything look orderly and clean.
Cool story, bro!
I have no desire to get into an argument, but I wanted to say: I didn’t really ‘believe’ in this whole thing a while ago either.
I have long been a fan of the Skeptic’s Society — and I often referenced them to argue minor points and help stem them flow of crappy data that global warming hippies were referencing.
“My patented ‘Death’ Drones!”
**looks at url**
I was agreeing with your original comment.
In light of the other responses, I can see how you might not read it as a joke =\
“Does ‘one’ equal 1? You’ll be shocked by the answer”
Drain Yellowstone™
Definitely the barge captain’s fault.
Or they’re just perfectly encapsulating the Seattle view of the whole thing:
-“Kaepernick did something? Ignore.”
**days pass**
-“... oh wait, this is a thing now? What’s it about? oh... it looks like no one really knows.”
Get tiny scissors.
-They dont bend the nail
-It comes off in one non-flying piece
-There’s no “clip!” sound to raise suspicion
-your nail is smoother after, no need to correct or file
-scissors are more useful generally
For those of you enjoy this type of thing, Cliff Mass (the head of U of Washington’s meteorology department) runs a great blog over at: http://cliffmass.blogspot.com/
ohh, get off it.
Ruissa? gotta be Russia.
... no, they have internet. One of them would have seen a Frisbee thrown at one point.