That was okay.
That was okay.
I think he's referring to the Chrome extension that one user has developed which allows comment threading and nesting.
How brief, and why the breakup? Those are important factors in answering the question.
It takes about two clicks and five seconds to add the extension. It's really easy and totally worth doing if you want to make this site more tolerable.
I call Arch-Nemesis!
Nah, fuck this. This douche in the pink shirt trained his dog to do this shitty awkward trick (which is especially bad for that breed, with all the hip problems they suffer) so he could go to grocery stores and show it off.
Or Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox
Or Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox
The Old Man and the C Student in season 10. It's a pretty lame episode on its own but also presaged the lame cameo-delivery service the show would become. The guest star that episode - Jack LaLanne - was irrelevant, pointless and playing himself, which is usually bad.
You got that legacy from your father, and he got it from his father and he traded a mule for it! And that mule went on to save Spring Break!
Our eyes! The glasses do nothing!
And the collective noun for a group of Flemish people is "phlegm."
I love the drifter one, just for the awed "cooool" at the end.
Dammit, I already used Ray Patterson's exit line up top.
That journalist also writes mysteries under the name J.B. MacGregor.
The have the Internet on computers now?
Seven thousand monkeys working on seven thousand typewriters?
Oh, those are atrocious, as are most Lisa-centric episodes. "Principal and the Pauper" is totally okay by me, if nothing great.
Now, this technology is new to me, but I'm pretty sure that's John Wilkes Booth in the oven, rotating slowly. His body temperature has risen to over 400 degrees - he's literally stewing in his own juices!
The lesson is: never try.