Khmer Stooge

I guess you did Nazi each other's posts, amirite?!

Grand Canyon? Azerbaijan-…in'? The Dominican?

Marilyn Mansone

Bannon should never be on the tip of your tongue.


That doesn't leave any room for his black heart, Krang-like brain or dessicated penis.


What about when all the engine sounds in the Fast and Furious franchise were replaced with fart noises? AV Club had the latest video!

What about all the racist things Hillary wrote in chemtrails in the sky over that pizza restaurant where she molested children with illegal emails?

Although he was not waving them like he just don't care.

All you can do is educate. But we will never prevent it.

I just saw a bunch of Best Buy clerks yelling "You will not replace us" as customers shopped online from within the store.

(Failing) New York Times is reporting it.

"Pleated slacks-wearing fucks"?

That could easily apply to Stone or Lawrence.

Don't worry, he's wearing a a tutu and clown shoes just out of frame.

Noah Baumbach's filmography

I already don't like Baumbach, but fuck him for giving Sandler another stab at credibility and mainstream acceptance.

I am constantly Googling "58008," but never get the results I want, even if I turn the computer upside-down.

I think that was Yakov Smirnoff.