I can't watch videos like this anymore. This shit is not funny, and hearing Trump's stupid voice, and "you're fake news" nonsense is just infuriating.
I can't watch videos like this anymore. This shit is not funny, and hearing Trump's stupid voice, and "you're fake news" nonsense is just infuriating.
The guest's reaction, before the host is even done reading, is gold.
Max Shkreli, his brother.
Is the disputed property a chair?
I'm just barely Gen X, and I sense a huge rise in random=hilarious in about the last 15 years. I largely blame Family Guy.
I can help you there: it isn't.
So how did one send the equivalent of a poop emoji in the 80s?
Yeah, this fucked me up in Trivial Pursuit last week.
Do they? That's probably part of the question. Waving torches and chanting that you won't be replaced is hella stupid but not illegal. I guess it depends which actions you mean.
All this shit is springing from people exercising their right to free speech. The doughy white replaceables voiced their stupid shit and no law or government tried to stop them. And then other people exercised their right to oppose the stupid shit.
Female genital mutilation and first world problems.
You're listening to Big Harry and Mike in the Morning, coming up next it's [FARRT], the hot new single by [FART] featuring [SHART].
Goddammit, can you stop posting current GoT images on these articles?! I'm only on Season 5!
Stark Wars: The Tarth Awakens!
"Hire a comedy worker."
I found out that a high-school friend of mine died last week. We had kind of lost touch but apparently he lived right in my neighbourhood and I had no idea.
Hot Shots: Part Deux: doesn't really hold up, if it ever did
Almighty Thor: a Transmorphers-style cash-in on Marvel movies, starring a corpse-looking Richard Grieco and a bunch of shitty nobodies.
I am registering as #Whovian.
I'm pretty sure millennial humour can be summed up with the phrase "So random!"