Khmer Stooge

Quality aside, wasn't American History X already pretty gritty?

Before you go: are you bothered that the AV Club is anti-Nazi, or just the constant political content that doesn't at all fit its ostensible purview (as in, a/v)?

1. Who wouldn't? Think of the things you could replace them with! Muppets? Delicious ice cream? Funny hats? Ukeleles?

What's the connection with rightist Nazi shitbags and polo shirts? Is that a uniform or something? I own several pretty comfy polos that I would like to keep.

You're missing the point so enormously that I think it must be intentional just so you can argue. There is evidence to support the hypothesis, in the form of multiple scientific studies.

I really hope so, since he is directing the first film adaptation of one of my favourite childhood books. One I still read from time to time. But it also stars Jack Black so I fear it will be a total shitshow.

It's not bullshit, which is my point. The science he points to has not been disproven. Some of it is up for debate, but so is a lot of good science. This isn't like the vaccine debate; there are arguments to be made on both sides. Time may show one side is incorrect, but the evidence at hand right now shows he's not

That would be nice! Unfortunately the topic seems to politically charged to have a reasonable discussion about it, at least in most venues.

No, I'm not going to debate that with you because you're being a patronizing ass.

And the smile afterward. Amazing.

Part of what's obnoxious about the whole debate is that the guy's "babble," in many places, is not very pseudoscientific. I've read responses from a few scientists who say so.

I attempted to use a joke I’ve seen on Twitter, but somehow I can never quite grasp the irony, and now I just feel like the world’s most desperate relic of an era that’s rapidly becoming obsolete.

No, you probably don't. The movie ends with what's-his-abs wrapping up the speech just before they go into battle. It's pretty clear that it's a rallying cry.

I was writing a more detailed response to this when, then re-read a certain part and realized it's pointless.

But another Birth of a Nation came out last year! So isn't that Birth of a Nation our generational Birth of a Nation?

Not just in the AV Club. That movie gets a lot of flak, although I think it's also largely undeserved. It's not a great movie, but most of the criticism is for missing some great nuance of the story, which I don't think it did.

How should the movie suggest it any more obviously though? The narration is constant, and then it finishes by showing you that it was all a big rally cry. They even establish that the narrator was sent home from the battle because he's such a good orator/storyteller.

That'd be York University. She has her neuroscience PhD from there. They don't have a Faculty of Sexual Neuroscience, if that's what you mean, but if her neuroscience PhD these was about paraphilias and related issues, I don't see any problem with calling her a sexual neuroscientist.

Best apples: Honey crisp, Granny Smith, AV Club user "apples"
Worst: Spartan, mealy, smug Boston-accented ones

Hey, thanks! Except I didn't say that article itself constituted any kind of research at all. The article does link to research though. I guess you didn't feel like looking at it.