Hmm, I stand corrected, I knew the difference properly a couple years ago, apparently life has addled my mind a little
Hmm, I stand corrected, I knew the difference properly a couple years ago, apparently life has addled my mind a little
Technically, there are really any "vegetables" that's a grocery name for the generally less sweet fruits.
He's talking about the Event Walker that happens (almost) on the X:15/45 every hour
I really want to try it but my completion side demands I finish Voidwalker first. I'm close but that last bit seems to be taking forever
I love my warlock! Hunters have some fun knife skills but I still like my warlock
I have already bought this and I don't even own a PS3 (at the moment)
Source: I am a Mortgage loan processor
That was a great game, I really had a blast playing it. Shame they never made the sequel
I think the keyword here is "announcement" they did indeed have the an exclusive announcement but did they say it was exclusive to the PS?
Wonderful reference, thank you!
Thats why you wet it
Agreed! I am baffled everytime I see people peeling a kiwi, the skin is glorious, just wash it and eat it while it's damp.
This just reminds me of why I so desperately wanted a third game in the Trilogy, preferably with the first half introducing the new player, and the latter half joining up with Revan and the Exile in the unknown region.
You sir, have turned my entire day around! Even if it turns out to be false, I have some wonderful false hope for the rest of the day.
Had potential. But it was a let down from the get go. It's space combat, we should've been able to fly at any angle and have FULL CONTROL over our ship from the beginning. This game would've been pointless to make anyway, seeing as Battlefront 3 will just wind up trumping any space combat this company could have done.
But people do still run over and make a lot of noise when you throw money on the ground.
It's not unreasonable profit, they aren't forcing anybody to buy it, they sell cheaper models themselves. If people are want to buy it at that price, then they can, they accept the cost of letting other build it for them. The only way this price becomes unreasonable is if there aren't any other price options to buy…
Actually you have that backward, by biological definition they are all fruit. Vegetable is a grocery definition, so most vegetables are technically fruit, then you have tubers and leaves...
Nope, these are their kids... or their asexual offspring, I was always a little unclear about them.
They're all dead...