
Yes, I just double checked, the new federal laws say you must receive a copy 3 days before closing unless you specifically waive the 3 days but you still get a copy.

Ah, it was a condo, that makes sense, condos throw a whole other set of rules and guidelines on top of normal mortgage rules

I was pretty sure you are always entitled to the appraisal, generally three days before you close, unless you sign the form and specifically waive the three day limit but you still get the appraisal

Some states also have laws that make the seller pay those fees, SC is one of them

I would be interested in what PMI companies they checked, very rarely do all of the PMI companies deny a loan, your mortgage company could either have only a couple available due to their own policies or they could have been lazy and only checked one... (Though thats unlikely, most Loan Officers will twist every rule

This is correct, there is a limited percent how much you will have to pay can go up before it has to be disclosed to you the borrower, if it goes up too much it then has to be disclosed and signed by the borrower 3 days before you can close.

We could probably say the same about some native english speaking americans...

Not just modern time but the FUTURE! *Dun dun duuun!*

I can only speak for my company and only from a non-IT prospective. Our email servers don't have backups, much to the disappointment of some error prone people, so once we delete them, they're gone. We were trained to delete emails after we were done with them, either once the file was close or right away.

Absolutely, you're right. They most certainly care if you've opened lines of credit but don't really care if you've pulled reports but what those reports mean.

If you are talking about literally cash, that would be hard. Most mortgage companies are wary of cash, for all they know you are drug dealer or laundering money.

From my experience, the lender won't care if you have had a your credit pulled but they do want to know why and if you opened a new line of credit.

About disputes with the credit company, most mortgage companies will not give you a mortgage with an active dispute, it needs to be closed and marked closed on your credit report.

Okay, I'm a Mortgage processor for a pretty amazing company (actually at work now...) here are my tips:

I agree, you should boil before you drink water and intentionally pouring it down your nose.

I loved the time I was shoot and had a militia bot come up behind me and jackboot me, extremely rare but made the world feel more real.

I'm curious why? They provide a small random element and don't overly effect gameplay.

I'll agree some of them are cramped but if back out of the main fighting, you really can get quite far from other players. Just because it looks like background, does not mean you can walk back to it. The problem tends to be that most fighting stays in the same areas every game. People run to the action and crowd it,

I think you are underestimating how large some of the maps really are, people just tend to crowd the center of them. There are some maps you can almost walk around the whole game without seeing a single person.

Is that a jab at Kingdom Hearts? Because those are amazing games, granted the overarching storyline is a complex mess but the games themselves are excellent.