I’m just so mentally drained now from all the despair and horror that every time we think he’s done finding ways to be the most loathsome human being to ever exist, he finds ANOTHER. And another.
I’m just so mentally drained now from all the despair and horror that every time we think he’s done finding ways to be the most loathsome human being to ever exist, he finds ANOTHER. And another.
Gee ACA seems to need a lot of effort to make it “fail on its own”.
We didn’t lose this election because of Trump voters. We lost this election because of liberals who spent an unbelievable amount of time and energy convincing other liberals not to vote or to vote 3rd party. But you can’t blame them. Sure, we have a spiteful toddler running the country and untold numbers of people are…
Hey all y’all who didn’t vote, here are the consequences of elections. Neil Gorsuch, implosion of one-sixth of the economy, pre-emptive war, indifference from DoJ to anyone not in power, and tax cuts for rich people are on the menu because of your inaction.
Bernie says: “I’m honored to join the women at the front lines of our struggle for economic, social, racial and environmental justice.”
But not reproductive justice? No, never reproductive justice. Bernie’s always happy to ignore inconvenient things, like everything that isn’t Wall Street or free college. Fuck that…
Well, it looks like he’s all about that fucking healthcare EO in the Code 45* today. Ellie left out his sickening Tweet ending with “HEALTHCARE!”, but it’s an essential part of today’s subliminal message. He clearly has no idea what he has wrought, and he is just as oh-so-clearly proud of what he’s done. It’s almost…
“This fucking guy” pretty much sums up my feelings for 2017.
“I was having fun,” Trump said of his four-hour visit to San Juan, Puerto Rico’s capital, last Tuesday. That visit, most memorably, had him throwing paper towels to an audience gathered to see him inside a church. “They had these beautiful, soft towels. Very good towels,” Trump said. He claimed that the people of…
The single gender dens is going to make it prohibitive for a lot of girls. Girl Scouts actually offer a lot of the same kinds of things as Boy Scouts, but the lack of a cohesive “pack” environment can make Girl Scouts a bit less organized. My wife has been my daughter’s (currently a second year brownie) troop leader…
I read this post and immediately developed an all-too-familiar wine craving. Will my liver outlast this administration? The race is on!
You know, I expected the bullshit rollback of birth control pill coverage. A bone for the hypocritical evangelical wing that somehow supports this cancer in office.
I’m really not sure. I usually try to bump people out of the grays here, because it seems like the few male commenters I find particularly...objectionable...arein the black while some really good women commenters languish in the grays. As for the Root, I’m usually embarrassed by my fellow white people. I comment…
Yes. This is my takeaway from this whole week as well. No wonder feminism has stalled. “Progressive” men cannot be trusted.
Current Hill staffer, yep. It’s less an issue of politics and more an issue of the personalities of the Member and senior staff. Some people are assholes, some people are bad at dealing with stress. It’s well known which offices are good to work for and which are bad. On the dem side, Barbara Mikulski used to be well…
hello, former Hill staffer checking in to say....this isn’t unusual.
Soooooo.... to recap:
This is your reminder that there are elections in the U.S. on November 7th. Research your local candidates and vote pro-choice people into office. Help us develop a bench of progressive candidates at the local level, who then may consider running for higher office.
I am just so unsurprised, and then I’m unsurprised by my lack of surprise, and then I want to bury my head into my pillow and cry. This just promotes the idea again from the Right that pregnancy is punishment. That sex itself is deviant and cannot be enjoyed, regardless of situation. If you aren’t having kids, then…