Well lock me up and throw away the sea salt if they’re roasted right, cause I plead guilty.
Well lock me up and throw away the sea salt if they’re roasted right, cause I plead guilty.
This right here is why it should be considered an etiquette breach of the highest order to ask someone if he or she is trying for a baby. Best case scenario, you’ve invaded someone’s privacy that does not intend to have children and is fine with it. Worst case, you deeply hurt the feelings of someone who wants…
Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt. When people ask me how many miscarriages I had before we ended up with an actual baby, I just say “fewer than 10.” Had them with fertility cycles, I had them between the fertility cycles. This is the way I know, at a gut, experiential level, that a fertilized egg is not a…
I think he sprained a scarf.
I have been looking for this glorious social media gaffe to show up on Jezebel today because it has consumed my life. So. This happened to NPR. Someone meant to post something to his personal page, but he posted it to the NPR page. The problem is that this happened yesterday, and it’s been such a shitshow of a couple…
“You’ve got to recognize that when there’s a tragedy like this, the first thing we should be thinking about is praying for the people who were injured and doing whatever we can to help them, to help law enforcement,” he said. “We shouldn’t first be thinking of promoting our political agenda.”
I’m going to hijack the shit out of this because i have shared beers with this guy (he’s a good friend of my brother’s) and although I knew that he was at the concert i didn’t know the whole story until today.
I just realized, my view is basically the same as Wesley in The Princess Bride:
You’ve got to recognize that when there’s a tragedy like this, the first thing we should be thinking about is praying for the people who were injured
I’ve got no shock left for anything Trump says at this point - he was always a dim-witted narcissist and asshole who I now suspect must be suffering from some sort of serious cognitive decline - but....the government refused to lift food stamp restrictions...?
I posted this in response to something else, but it’s valid here. Jimmy is totally right. It’s insane how much sway the NRA’s relatively small, far-far-right voice has, but also emblematic of the way “governance” is done today. Congress does not give a single fuck what the majority of American people want. On any…
This is such an important point: the fact that the richest country in the world is using resources that could have gone to other countries is worse than embarrassing. It should be criminal.
“your thoughts and your prayers are insufficient.”
Fucking right.
I have no words anymore. We are just going to let people die, apparently. We have an organization designed to help third world countries, helping Americans, because that orange sack of crap can’t get his shit together. That’s embarrassing. I am sure Oxfam is use to helping countries like the Sudan, Syria, and the…
Not only is this an embarrassment for US, this is a huge drain on resources earmarked for countries that genuinely can’t respond because they don’t have the infrastructure, skills or leadership. I work for Oxfam, based in a developing country, and although everyone agrees we must step in, the mood is one of collective…
Trump just did a press event seated in the center of a large U-shaped dais table, surrounded by military and government leaders - all of whom seemed required to say something effusively glowing about HIM. He even shook hands with Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz - and then turned and walked away from her as she began to try…
Just a quick reminder. According to the Republicans, gun ownership is a right, but healthcare isn’t.
How timely.
These “pro-life” Republicans ought to be ashamed to show their faces in public. Puerto Rico—let ‘em drown. Las Vegas—let ‘em get mowed down by another crazy white guy with a gun. Expiration of CHIP healthcare for kids—let ‘em die of curable diseases.
Sure, let’s push through legislation to ‘protect’ fetuses, but hey, when it comes to protecting actual children and adults from gun violence, it’s ‘stricter gun laws won’t actually stop these events from happening because people will still acquire guns if they’re determined enough’.