This is off topic but I hope is welcomed here, especially in light of Trump. Forgive the long rant.
This is off topic but I hope is welcomed here, especially in light of Trump. Forgive the long rant.
“What do you get when your pres. is a creep?”
Looks like someone wrestled the phone from Kelly. Ivanka must’ve been not around.
You know that that (mis)quote had nothing to do with whether she had read the bill, right? She was saying that once the bill was passed the American people could find out what it did instead of relying on what she felt were inaccurate reports about what it did.
I feel like I am the only person IMRL (in my real life) who doesn’t watch this dumb show. It looks awful - why the fuck would I want a TV show to make me cry when real life is doing a pretty good job of it already.
Is there a segment of the population (which I am a part of) that irrationally hates This is Us, despite having never seen it and knowing nothing about it? Like people who can wiggle their ears or roll their tongues?
Bobby, I cherish your hatred for This Is Us. It sustains me.
My Father was an Air Force Air Mobility Command Officer (Now Retired). I’ll let his email to me speak for itself:
So not only does Tamblyn’s description of the encounter ring true, she follows/juxtaposes it with this;
Excellent point. And look, I think Bernie is a great legislator and an important voice to have in congress, but I will never forget how much like the typical dude he acted when push came to shove. Clinton had been working for or with the DNC for all of her adult life practically. She paid her dues. And the fact that…
Please let him know you’re not coming so he can turn off the light. Wasting electricity is bad for the environment.
As long as you also want Bernie to move on, fine and by move on I mean get registered as a democrat or get the hell out.
I (and many others) voted for her but just wish she would move on...The Bernie/Hillary wars have done an immense amount of damage to the ranks
Daniel Ratcliffe, inspector of ancient monuments at Historic England South West, said: “Two circuits of stone-built ramparts survive at Stowe’s Pound within which there are remains of house platforms and cairns, and it is from these ancient archaeological features that many of the stones are being taken to…
She was robbed (literally) of that election, dragged through the dirt for the stupidest reasons by an entire party that gleefully admitted to trying to destroy her, and she has more than earned her right to vent about the unbelievable shit show that was last year.
Came here for this meme. Not disappointed.
It is about time democrats grew some freaking ovaries and put forth plans and ideas instead of just rolling over and giving up to republicans.