Molesworth One and a Half

Cruz is such a pious Christian man-type thing, how could he ever be tempted into viewing such sinful material? Clearly the Devil is an expert in hacksmenship and broke into Ted’s twitter account and “liked” that dirty, dirty post.

A lot of poor people (who are usually black or brown) live in areas called food deserts, where most stores are convenience stores or little markets with few healthy options. When you can get a burger and fries for $3 but a salad is $7, it’s obvious they’ll go for the burger meal. Crap is cheap and healthy food not so

I am always pissed off when people are all “Why didn’t they just leave?” Well, let me tell you as someone who could have been in that position. Where are you going to go? You don’t have a rely on public transportation...whoops..that’s stopped running. Maybe you have relatives that can come get you, but

Today’s shocking Code 45* further supports his other recent coded messages, and finally reveals Trump’s subconscious as the fifth column that I always suspected it was. His various self-destructive attempts to free himself of the burden of this accidental presidency couldn’t be more blatant - his recent cozying up

If I had a hammer...

To be fair, I get where they’re coming from. When my partner and I get married, we’re not going to be doing it for the enormous financial benefits, legal benefits or out of sheer love. We’ve decided we’re going to get married specifically so we can oppress the freedoms of Christian bakers. That’s just how we roll.

I’m so sick of pelosi getting heat by dealing with trump.

Excellent, excellent article Donyae. Is this your first?

I read the headline and got really confused as to why she would keep it in during filming. Because even if you are dating the director, that seems excessively precautionary.

Here’s a thought. Get behind early sex education, free and abundant birth control, and plenty of low cost child care.

The child in me wants Bale to just go back to Newsies, keep his body in reasonable condition, and yell at Hearst & Pulitzer some more.

Now playing

“Sort of there.” There are many, many things you can say about Bale including but not limited to being bat guano crazy for the hell he puts his body through but don’t even hint that he is mediocre actor. He is one of the best in the business. Ever since he was a kid. And I don’t mean, kid as in a twenty-something. I

Saw this on twitter and it made me laugh.

“As mayor, what I would like to discourage is assembly,” Barnette said.

When I read that my mind pictured Jon Lovitz and I was like this is a really weird joke that I don’t get.

I definitely read John ‘Lovitz’ and had a full on mental breakdown for a second there.

I read your comment as Ronan Farrow and Jon Lovitz. Yikes!