Molesworth One and a Half

No bees, no food. It’s really simple. This is a list of all the food pollinated by bees.

What about those of us who really, really, really wanted Bernie, but when it came to vote did the right thing and voted for Hillary, even though we were in a solidly red state where it didn’t matter? Can we hold our heads high?

It makes sense right? Religion (and particularly Christianity) has been one of the biggest manipulators in human history and a successful blueprint to consolidate power as a leader. Which is why separation of church and state was so important in the founding of this country. And we’ve been seeing it encroach more and

HB2 will never be repealed. At best they will alter the language of the small part of the bill that covers the bathrooms. Then everyone will claim victory and the worst parts of the bill will still be law because everyone in the media has been ignoring the worst parts of the bill.

You say “taxiway”, I say “alternative runway.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh great, we get to rely on Chaffetz - the Shkreli of Congress - to lead the charge to conduct an investigation and potential punishment.

And there it is.

So are we a host when we have a penis inside us? Does that penis belong to us while we are hosting it? Can we do with it whatever we want? Just asking.

I’d like to take this moment to thank the universe for allowing me to be born into a family that is not completely and irrevocably insane. I consider it the single greatest gift I have ever received.

I know it’s a tired trope by now, but if Hillary had done this, we’d be subject to 40 different hearings about “OMG SALADGATE” with the left likely screaming harder than the right. “SHE COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY FOR A SALAD!!!!” “HILLARY USED GOVT FUNDS TO PAY FOR SALAD OWNED BY HER OWN FOUNDATION!!!!”

You just KNOW it was more about “letting people at Mar-A-Lago see how cool and important he is” than it was about actual national security. “Ooh looky me I’m president doing president stuff!” (Meanwhile Bannon pulls out a literal camera to hold over classified docs while Toddler In Charge smug mugs for the camera).

Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

To be fair, there probably are kids there that weren’t comfortable with it, but that’s because their dumb parents taught them to be uncomfortable with things like this.

“Upholding the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty may entitle your family to significant financial compensation!”

Every time I think “this time they’re going down” nothing happens! Pussygate, white supremacists, not releasing taxes, not divesting himself of his business interests, the infamous dossier, the Nordstrom tweets, hell all his tweets! The Yeman raid, the insanely unprofessional behavior of Spicer and Conway, the horror

Those fuckers spent ten million investigating Hillary. They better investigate Flynn with the same rigor. I am not hopeful. If I have learned anything is that IOKIYAR

“Trump does not care to read more than a single page, and he wants that page to be littered with images and maps.”