Molesworth One and a Half

i really want him to file a restraining order against her, so when she breaks it, jez can use the headline the return of the mack.

Yes. The GOP is so very concerned with mental health. That’s why they are determined to reduce the rates of PTSD caused by gun violence by passing gun control legislation and providing free or low-cost counseling services for those with mental illnesses.

That’s the thing a lot of people don’t understand... it’s not a difference of political opinion anymore, it’s an issue of common human decency. And the republicans have shown that they have none - almost every hill they make a stand on is genuinely about keeping the downtrodden down under the boot of the

I am so fucking sick of these religious right-wing fucknuggets who claim to be fucking persecuted from the safety of their own living rooms, basement dwellings or toilets.

So this is where we are. A court of law has ruled that discrimination against LGBT people by the government of Louisiana is perfectly Constitutional despite ruling after ruling to the opposite, including from the Supreme Court.

It will change nothing, because the US intelligence community is too paranoid to release the actual evidence behind all this (assuming it exists) because doing so would show Russia how far we’re burrowed into their shit and compromise our methods and possibly people. They’ll take preserving that over fucking Trump,

Until Fox News starts reporting this, don’t expect half of the country to give a shit. Facts and rules no longer matter.

I’ve always maintained that she’s as awful as any of them.

Back in October I commented boldly and confidently that Trump would never be President. I got a lot of stars for my vehemence, and spent most of my night reassuring worried commenters it would NOT happen.

Buchanan’s daughter wasn’t running his business empire for him while he was off presidenting. Yes, it is a fucking problem that Ivanka will be in the WH enough to need an office while she’s running the Trump corporation. I think it’s a mistake to just hand wave this point away by saying that we already knew that

See this is why ivanka is as bad if not worse than the rest of them. She’s dangerous because her perceived softness and good looks lulls you into a false sense of security. Like her father she has no values or principles. She will do anything for power, money and prestige. If Donald doesn’t run in 2020, I wouldn’t be

I fucking can’t stand her. Watch her like a damn hawk for the next 4 years.

Surfed over to the actual Cabinet to find a quirky position, or perhaps a title that would give itself to a pun. And found myself almost in tears reading the names of the current Cabinet members. Ernest Moniz; Julián Castro; Gina McCarthy. People who had résumés that spanned decades and work that actually bestowed

I am so, so sick of people thinking their opinions somehow invalidate objective, empirical facts. When did we get to this place where lies so quickly bury actual reality, and how the hell do we make it stop?

Did he also sign a bill creating funds to support the emotionally wrecking and financial burden of the pregnancy incompatible with life that will cost mothers $100's of thousands of dollars to bring to term?

“Sanctity of life” until you are born, of course.

Too many young liberals, mostly male in my experience, do not think abortion access is a big deal. They don’t care. They don’t think it’s a serious issue. I mean Bernie Sanders himself claimed it was a distraction. I’ve got a big hearty fuck you to all those people.

Progressives HAVE been vocal about the Obama deportation policy. But he’s also done a lot of good in the immigration arena, from DACA to the STEM OPT expansion to the enforcement priorities memos for ICE. So we can demonize him for the deportations alone, or we can admit that (like many other issues) it’s fucking

And there’s a reason why they aren’t. “Cry-baby liberals. Can’t handle the fact that they lost the election. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” That’s pretty much all I see in the comment section of stories and several groups. Oh, and the racist and sexist comments never stop as well.