Molesworth One and a Half

Mandate won’t matter once he takes the oath of office. The powers of the presidency are the same regardless of the size of the victory. The only thing that tossing the election to the House does is further divide and demoralize the people. Otherwise, it accomplishes nothing except a pyrrhic victory of sorts.

Me reacting to pretty much every news story about Trump doing anything...

I’d buy the lie that they care about babies if they gave a shit about it after it was born. But their policies prove they don’t. It’s about controlling women. They just keep using increasingly hyperbolic language to sell the baby-loving lie.

I feel like a full blown conspiracy theorist at this point because I don’t believe anyone anymore. :(

Well said. I’m also an atheist, but I may join the Satanic Temple, just for the hell of it.

This law is terrible. First, because it impedes abortions. Second, because it imposes itself upon people who planned on having their child as well. It’s just as unacceptable to force someone who has either lost their baby or has nearly died from their pregnancy to have a funeral as it is to force women who never

Oh, so NOW Yertle the Turtle is willing to entertain the probability of Russian interference?

Honestly, Obama’s presidency reminds me of the pseudomythology of Tragic King Errath - he keeps doing the moral thing, and the merciful thing, and every single time, ends up with a dagger in the back for his efforts.

Increasingly, it appears that in fact, we did vote for her. Not only in the majority, but the electoral college as well.

I worry about how much the Republicans have been able to disenfranchise voters since they have control over Congress in ways the Tea Party never was. The Voting Rights Act has been gutted and they have been able to gerrymander so many districts. How can Democrats combat that with Republicans controlling everything

I went to a party with moms and kids tonight (woo) and a two year old girl was hitting her head against the wall, and I looked at her mom and said, “I do the same thing every time I read the news.”

The thing that I’m concerned about is apathy, that voters didn’t care if the country burned so long as they were the ones to light the match. Every time I think of someone who cast their ballot as a form of protest against the state of American politics and cursed us with what is shaping up to be a deeply retrograde

If I hear one more fucking thing about how Kasich is a moderate I am going to self-immolate and run screaming through the statehouse.

What they want is clear. They want to end the practice of abortion, full stop. The consequences of an abortion ban do not concern them. They are motivated by a religious devotion, and any attempts to sway them off their absolutist position is seen as an attack on their faith and therefore a test of their will. To

You cut all of the funding for places that provide discounted and free contraception. Now I’m pregnant. What am I going to do?

Exactly. It should be safe, legal, and uncommon. Uncommon because we fund quality sex education, affordable & easy access to women’s healthcare, and affordable contraception. Those three things reduce the numbers of abortions, so anyone who TRULY cares about that should support policies that actually make a

It’s weird that there doesn’t seem to be the same kind of organized commercial protest/resistance against states that pass regressive abortion laws that seems to crop up out for every anti-LGBT law before a governor has even signed it into law.

It is insidious because these assholes ignore science and the heartfelt tales of numerous women who made the agonizing decision to end a wanted pregnancy because it wasn’t going to result in a healthy child!

He’s basically the hip hop Mary Poppins.