
Can we talk about how horrible the setup and follow-up was for this award? Having YouTube personalities shout “That Dragon, Cancer!” like it’s freaking Doom or something, and then the guy comes up in tears. Then following it up with an actual ad for Doom? Really poor timing and tone all around.

Neither works for me but anecdotally I have heard that Google accounts work with less frequency, yeah.

I understand the server issues. It’s shitty that they can’t handle the traffic, but it happens. This is a huge launch and the number of people interested in this has got to be almost unprecedented for a mobile game. It’s just completely unacceptable that nobody is communicating with us about the issues. Shit happens,

That’s a really full bush.

You know why, right?

Does the game really have to be another modern warfare setting like that Gamer movie? They could have gone with a zombie setting or a building full of deadly soccer moms with guns.

I know what you mean. Squirtle used to call me every day after work, and now, when I get home, he just nods and goes back to watching Home Improvement. We NEVER talk anymore. It’s so different.

In addition, Nintendo has announced that all the strongest legendaries can only be found in single specific locations, “to reward the true adventuerer.”

Keep trying, talk to people in whatever chat you have open Rookie/Corp chat. Everyone that plays the game wants to see you playing Eve and killing them when you know your way around it. Unlike dying communities that become a circlejerk until they die out, we value each new player and know that if Eve is to reach 20

Every time I see a trailer for something new or awesome in EVE Online, I greatly want to try the game, but then I remember that one time a few years ago when I tried a free trial and I was like

yep. thats my penis. I spent nearly 1k of Real world money to ISK to get it and its..

Just like to pop-in and give credit to the person who made this. It was unpretty on tumblr, and here’s a link of all the stuff she’s posted regarding weedhorse69.

that zoolander reference went over there heads

Lolz, only five slots? What is this, a stand for (people with collections the size of) ants?