
we'll have to see when the beta comes out but from what I saw I wouldn't of died in the beta either :P I have a ey but I didn't get to play so I'd have more to say on how hard it is really is or isn't :/

Also I kinda hope I won't die a ton just at the start of dark souls 2. The later parts of the game need to be harder

That sounds incredibly like a Mitch Hedberg-type line. ;)

Bibari and Lui!!!

Transylvanian Special Forces.

Sam Raimi's Oz The Great and Powerful, more or less an Army of Darkness remake.

In the comments below, feel free to add any frightening troops we might have missed.

Eddie Gordo 4LYF!!!

And to me, that's where the enjoyment for wrestling comes from. How lame and hammy can it be?

Exactly, Khem.

Take your pick!

Seems pretty clear cut that slavery was bad. Does that mean we should censor slavery out of everything and pretend that it never existed? This quote seems particularly relevant:

Historically back then they believed it was okay. Maybe people just need to be educated in today's world that smoking is bad instead of censorship of media that is doing a historical piece. If you allow censorship of one thing then people have opinions on censorship of another thing.

Disclaimers only serve to make something forbidden. And guess what young, impressionable people like to do? They do exactly what is forbidden. Censorship is always demonized as bad, but its just a tool (and tools can be used for both bad and good). Censoring stuff is the most effective way to kill off something; and

Pfft! Call that a stampede? THIS is a stampede!

I really hope they do, but I don't think that it was in the manga. With 50 saints that should allow them to cover asgard and a couple of silver ones (Argol Perseus, and anime only Docrates are my favorite designs)

I really hope so. Their designs are among the best in the series (and I also liked how they all (almost) were kind of tragic heroes on their own)!!

Mudman from World Heroes 2 for the Neo Geo!

Thats the EU version of the ad. Its the same in the Uk except its in English. I think its the best ad too.

Having watched all three I agree with you khemphoud: the French commercial is in my opinion the best.