
Sorry, not sorry, but these Moira drawings only look like Junkrat before he lost his limbs. It had me so confused halfway through her section when Junkrat is vying for Mercy’s attention.

Pretty cool. I love it when companies do things like this! It reminds me of the Bill Cipher statue (and box of ‘treasure’) that the Gravity Falls crew hid for fans to find in a scavenger hunt that kicked off with clues in the finale episode (that took the fandom almost two weeks to track down):

It’s a geocache (very fun to do with your kids, btw - Anyone who finds it can keep it but courtesy says to take the first finder prize (the spear), one coin (the token for anyone finding it), leave your name on the list of finders (provided in the cache) and leave something you brought

The note straight up says the spear is his/hers. The box of gold coins is for anyone else who makes the trip. Unless he/she was a dick and just took all of it.

Imagine walking home in NYC with a giant spear in hand.

i would have no life without ana or the exoprogram.... i regret that we have become strangers... there never seems to be enough time

The risk is bigger on indiegogo because they can keep the money even if they don’t reach their goal, at least Kickstarter refunds the money otherwise. And if you give them money, you are an investor and deserve the same rights as any other investor in their company. They lied, plain and simple. They said the product

i’m definitely biased because i backed mighty no 9

I read a negative review for Battletech that was like 5 paragraphs of the guy blasting the game because theres a muslim npc in the game and that shes fat. He also deduced that another npc was homosexual because of his clothes. Hes 100% sure this insidious plot is the work the lead dev because shes a vocal “SJW” on

Big Red Flag #2: People asking for money on the internet. Always goes wrong, if they aren’t crooks scamming idiots then it magically goes belly up after they get the money they want.

Big Red Flag #1: IndieGoGo. For when you’re even too shady for Kickstarter.

Kind of in the same boat. I have barely played Mercy but it’s a good cause and my mother is a survivor so thinking of buying it for those reasons alone.

It’s donation for a good cause, get both if you can.

Why not both!


I don’t really play Mercy that often, but I love the skin, love the cause - bought the skin last night. I’d be cool with them doing something like this on a regular basis.

It’s a buy. It looks great, is unique, and the money is going to BCRF, a legitimate, non-political organization that actually sends a vast majority of its money to researchers.

I’m trying to decide whether to get the skin for $15 or buy one of those cute ass shirts for $30... Decisions decisions.

This makes absolutely no sense at all. Just because you're developing games doesn't mean you should have to put up with self entitled twats like Beer.

Yes, because developing games means you are literally required to be insulted, mocked and treated like trash on a daily basis like Phil is.