Taylor Swift is this your burner account???
Taylor Swift is this your burner account???
I’ve long hated this show as it is exploitative as fuck. While I strongly disagree with the notions that sustainable weight loss is not possible (I myself am proof it is) The Biggest Loser teaches literally all the wrong lessons on how to do it. So instead of getting into the more controversial social topics I am just…
Hmmm, maybe i just make an effort to eat all of it and get bored with it fast. But I stopped buying it, not because i could save money, but i felt bad having to throw it out. I started buying my produce elsewhere and it costs twice as much per pound but i am not wasting any.
Are you being deliberately obtuse?
This is off topic but IANAL makes me think iAnal which sounds like a buttplug that vibrates to the beat of your iPod.
As a fellow Warren supporter, this is the correct take. I don’t doubt that Bernie made remarks about the electability of a woman candidate, because he was probably saying what we’ve all thought in the wake of 2016: wait, is this country too sexist to elect a woman? I personally believe it isn’t, which is part of why I…
I’ve appreciated some of his documentaries, but I would be fine Moore just stuck to them and shut the fuck up the rest of the time.
Warren has been tagged a “liar” by the GOP for a while now. Any story on Fox is accompanied by dozens to hundreds of people calling her a liar.
It’s not surprising Michael Moore called Liz a “backstabber” like she’s the mean girl in high school.
Then my job here is done! <3
Lil Stoncils is 10mo and has started toddlering up with the quickness. Now you got me teary and nostalgic for something that hasn’t even happened yet.
Four is admittedly pretty damn great. The bridge year between little kid and big kid. I’m also loving age 9 right now. My kid makes me laugh way more than I ever expected. And not in a “oh that’s cute cuz he’s my kid” kind of way, but in a “he’s genuinely funny and has natural comedic timing” kind of way. And making…
It’s funny this comes up today as today is my B/G twin’s 3rd birthday. I am impressed every day with the new things they learn. Half of them leave me wondering where the even learned it from. It’s amazing. Yes they are a pain at times but it is all worth it in the end.
My favorite age was four. They’re starting to become independent but they still need you. They are soaking up everything like a sponge. I also feel like then is when you can actually start to have a real conversation. There were times when she’d suggest something and I’d think, “huh...that’s a really good idea. I…
I know people mean well when they say this kind of thing but as someone that still can’t get out of bed today it just makes me feel worse.
Why know what’s true, how things came to be, or even what words mean? Those who don’t know history are totes free from it and got no worries. Isn’t that how the saying goes?
The only time I’ve ever heard the word “uppity” used these days has been in its original racist context and usually followed by the N-word from my asshole uncle at Thanksgiving.
I only eat organic arsenic.
I hate that whole idea that if you can’t pronounce it, you shouldn’t eat it, like longer chemicals are inherently worse for you. Go ahead and eat some easy-to-pronounce arsenic and tell me how that works out for you.