King Hippo's Bellybutton

You literally said there is no risk of losing the challenge. I wasn’t watching the game, did the Giants already lose a challenge? No? Then the risk would happen on the second challenge where they may challenge something more questionable. Your argument that not using the first challenge on a clear play that you would

Well if they get both challenges right they get another one.. so its an easy gimme. Now if they get the 2nd one wrong then sure they wasted the first one. Havent seen many games where people use all 3.

Dude. A child is being raped. In front of your eyes. We all want to get ahead in life, but come the fuck on.

Am the only one that sees a TD for the UT RB?

I thought Chick probably ended up recruiting more atheists than Richard Dawkins ever did.

It’s mostly just self-righteous pricks that eat at places like Cracker Barrel that distribute these before/after church service - and usually in lieu of a tip (which is awesome when youre making $2.13/hr in a glorified fast food restaurant).

They would also say that you should be in church on Sunday, when they are the

Nah. There’s no way to present “You can live life as a decent person and then be consigned to torture for eternity because God is a vain asshole” in a non-douchey way.

Hahahah THIS is the problem you had with his work? That you think people are “saved,” let alone by this dreck, says a lot about you.

Nah. If your god is all-powerful and all-loving and still damns people to eternal torture, then the cartoonist isn’t the douche, the god is.

Seriously? As a Christian, your problem with Chick wasn’t content, but tone? Way to put yourself on the right side of history there.

I’m fairly certain this is why old dudes wax poetic about the good old days where you’d just beat the shit of this dude in the parking lot.

Goes from something interesting to the same god-damned slow motion cosplay video from every other con.

“What are two things a fourteen year old boy wants in his mouth, and the only one that’s in there now.”

And luckily for all of us, there are people like you to bring this up in every sports related post, two decades later. Fallout 4, GTAV, Mafia 3, all years apart from their previous releases, all major glitches. But because you don’t like _____ (insert sport, game title or series), you are immune and only buy perfect

“I went one step better and left behind unused ones.” - Shawn Kemp

He got all huffy.

Don’t click, dipshit.

The thing is that The Concourse is not sports. It’s whatever they want to talk about branded as Deadspin.

No one should be happy about this injury. The last thing Peterson needs is a good excuse to walk around with a cane.

What he said contradicts what you said about eclipsing the earnings in a sport.