
In fairness, you probably don't want the women he's sleeping with.

Again, have Russians just seen too much or do they all have balls of steel? That first guys reaction just sounded like it was a minor inconvenience. Like he was saying, "Darn. Now we are going to have traffic."

The passenger was clearly leaning left of the rider, which stood them up and didn't allow them to turn. I think you should properly threaten the passenger before they get on that the consequences of being a bad passenger are pretty dire.

No helmet... Wearing shorts... And flip-flops/sandals... why dont you just ride butt-naked, you big dumbass?!?!

More like Brickyard 420, amirite?

600,000 race fans?... Not going to happen.

Old Style is wonderfully poor. Go Cubs.

*cough, cough*

You forgot Duff, probably because it a fictional beer that can't actually buy. But it still has much flavor most of these beers.

Yuengling is the biggest overrated, piece of crap beer in the world. Us midwestern folk hear about it and are like "Whoa, they have Yuengling! I've heard so many loud ass holes from the east coast yell about it, should be awesome!" Then you realize that loud ass holes from the east coast part and realize "man, those

I hope they replant it! Hopefully the Sierra club won't be all up VIR's ass now.

They should plant an oak sapling in the old oaks place. It would be fantastic to see it grow over the years.

Apparently no one drives in Maine. That must be where all those folks walking to school uphill in the snow come from.


Terrorists love to take credit for stuff. If this had been a terrorist act don't you think they'd have been shouting it from the rooftops in 1996?