There was so much about this episode that made me squeal, but one that made me think wayyyyy too hard:
There was so much about this episode that made me squeal, but one that made me think wayyyyy too hard:
I know no liberals who particularly liked Hillary Clinton, only those who preferred her to the alternative.
LOL - “Cuck”. You sound like a big tough man behind a keyboard Chief.
Here’s something that’s going to blow your mind; when a woman is alone with a man, the threat of physical violence is always present.
So maybe stop being pushy then.
:a group of men breathlessly exit a conference room, ties disheveled, sweat on their brow, waving a piece of paper:
Wow, a woman over thirty being fuckable, that’s right up there in the miracle department with Jesus’ best work. /s
Redemption doesn’t mean not living with what you’ve done.
There has to be some path to redemption or people will never have a reason to change. I think if the victim forgives in this case, I forgive.
Shilly, too, is dense like a dying star.
Did you come into a recap of a show, two and a half seasons in, which has built its success largely around the fact that it is a musical, to let people know that if it dropped this giant part of what makes it what it is you, specifically will start watching it?
The whole point of R. catching Josh is it solved nothing. It only made matters worse. Bunch’s story arc was not about ‘unrequited love’, its about ‘misguided pursuit of relief from her depression’.
I was with you until you mentioned Gotham. While it’s not Inhumans bad, it’s not on the level of Agents Of SHIELD (something I would have never thought I’d be saying a couple of seasons ago) or Legends, either.
Oh come on, I don’t get the Daisy hate now. She has been a regularly engaging character since mid season 2, and has contributed the right amount to the show (except maybe the Lincoln storyline, which I admit was boring, mostly because Lincoln was boring). Her part on the show feels much more defined now that her…
More the people who unironically call themselves white nationalists, and march around synagogues shouting “Sieg Heil!” and so on.
oh god, are we earth X?!
Eleanor being unapologetically DTF in any and all situations is the best running gag/universal constant (and I love that this episode brought back that this goes double for Stone Cold Steve Austin and/or Tahani).
“Jason went to “Lynyrd Skynyrd High School,” which, from his description, sounds more like a sex abuse pyramid scheme run out of a tugboat graveyard.”
This is a strange page on which to champion the importance of grading subjective things on a scale.