
hurr hurr hurr

Pre-Ovechkin, I would posit that they were the gold standard by which all European, play the right way rorschach tests were conducted (non-racial/PK Subban category).

*pft commenter voice* the only type of retiring I like to see twins doing together is retiring to my bedroom with me

Bizarre the amount of petty vitriol directed at these two over the years; they are two of the coolest, nicest, classiest dudes in all of hockey.

All these E-sports dipshits are just a beer or two away from revealing what low-key racist tools they are, apparently.

So tit is out? What about asshole? We both have those. Don’t be such a ear.

Yet another example of the toxic racism that plauges not only E sports but the gaming community as a whole.

Maybe the commentator is Irish or English. Everyone isn’t American.

Now I’m just picturing some dude tying a belt around his neck and jumping off a cliff. I guess the belt is just for aesthetics?

Agreed, re: “I’d been drinking” is not an excuse.

I’m a heavier drinker than I should be, and I can get significantly more animated when inebriated—but somehow, I still manage not to shout racial slurs and invite others to kill themselves.

Alcohol doesn’t make you do anything you’re not already inclined to do—it makes

You know what else we shouldn’t do? Play oppression olympics in defense of hate speech. “Cunt” doesn’t have to be as bad as “nigger” to still be clearly, obviously, reprehensibly bad. The fact that you’re complaining about the worst word doesn’t give you licence to use other shitty words. It’s a misogynist slur and

Eh, I’m kind of okay with genital slurs. No one wants to be genitals. If cock is on the table, so is cunt.

It’s about ethics in word choice!

Can’t wait for the inevitable half-hearted apology and everything goes back to status quo. These stories are starting to grate on me, making me sadder and sadder about the state of the US today.

Sounds like you’re trying to equate “cunt” to the n-word. Let’s not do that.

I told my brother, “go back to Mexico” a lot. We’re both born in California and white. Kids are weird

Already starting to see the “it’s just words” comments roll in. If you seriously don’t understand the problem with people like Sadokist using the n-word, then frankly I don’t know what to say to you other than recommending that you choose a different hill to die on.

Man, brings me back to the days when my brother would accidentally steal a much-needed turkey powerup in Streets of Rage 2 and I called him every slur in the book before telling him he should’ve died in the womb.

“I had been drinking” isn’t an excuse for being a massive cunt. That word shouldn’t even be in your dictionary and telling people to kill themselves shouldn’t ever be a thought in your head. Just waiting for the bullshit apology before Valve drops him.

Seriously, how hard is it to remain professional, especially when you have a public-facing job like commentator?