
Same in Canada, Black Friday didn’t exist here until 4 years ago and now it’s huge, I hate it.

Put peeve alert! Canines are not fucking kids and people who say fur babies are worse than nazis.

Is 8:45 sunlight to late for sunlight or to early? Honest question, up here in Canada in the summer we have sunlight until 10:30.

Isn’t Iran also holding out on the base ten metric system?

Fuck the NFL.

Recovering alchoholic here and if I could go back to the night that I first drank the drink and how drunk I got and how much fun it was I would change that night. I drank once before I was 22(legal age in my province is 19) but went to a movie that glorified drinking and me and my friends got some tall boys and

Oh that’s a good one. Here’s your star.

I thought it was decent, I’m gonna star him but it wasn’t as bad as you make it seem.

That they know of!

I can’t take that name seriously, sounds like a rap pseudonym.

There are literally hundreds of sports personalities left, some I am fans of and some I am not but they are there. If you don’t think that men in power in sports aren’t doing the same thing you’re crazy.

I’m not feeling that at all.

It makes me sad because I really enjoyed his early records, but this album was not good.

Devils advocate-what record by a woman deserves to be nominated?

Fuck the Colts and fuck the NFL.

Not gonna lie I’d hustle to get to 100. Last week in a rec game our opponents got 4 technicals in the first 5 minutes of the game and the red said anything else out of them and he was going to call them game, they pretty much gave up on the game so we crushed them. If they weren’t a good team we wouldn’t have but they

Fuck these things, it’s all the rage with my wife and her friends and I cannot figure out anything they have made better.

Fuck these things, it’s all the rage with my wife and her friends and I cannot figure out anything they have made

That boys on drugs. For sure he’s on drugs, all the drugs.

My parents best friends, you know the kind, drinking and playing cards on a Friday night, their oldest son was a huge Star Wars fan so we would go over on Friday nights and watch them all the time, I was probably 7-10 when we watched them the most.

Fuck Durant.