
Bbtan came out December 2015, Ballz February 2017.

Not me. I decided to go in on the WNBA last year in lieu of the NFL.

Another winner!

We have a winner!

and the market has full right to tank their stock.

Tech companies im sure would be more likely to change away from word, I work for a mid-size general contractor and its all microsoft everything.

A first round that has the top 3 seeds upset might be in play, the Cavs, Celts and Raptors all have the potential to lose in the first round. Now that would be crazy.

Jesus. That an onion. I hope him well in his life journey with MS.

I’d take derozan over dame, the work he’s done after the all star break with Lowry out was impressive. Not to mention his crazy start of the season as well.

Yeah boi!!!!!!

A decent double double by Mr Lowry indicates that he indeed is healthy.

And with the return of baseball so to returns the awkward MLB highlight videos.

It’s a well known fact gun carrying bible loving conservatives love coke, no blue here baby!

That is a horrible thing and I hope he’s alright, buuut it did trigger one of my favourite things in sports, the emergency goalie call up. Their main starting goalie was sick, so when he went down the minor league goalie was called up and the emergency goalie was called to the dressing room. The coach actually tried

So the content creators who laugh at ‘traditional’ media and how they have to cowtow to advertisers to get paid now have to cowtow advertisers to get paid. People are silly.

I think Durant leaving when he did was the best possible scenario for Westbrook to go straight FU mode. This is fun to watch.

Mike the fallacy of the brontosaurus. I mistakingly thought it still exist, but alas it is know known as the apatosaurus. Unless it has know been reinstated, which it probably had been

Oh yes, it’s interesting in all of the dinosaur books my kid has that show the timelines. A lot of dinosaurs that I assumed were co-existing lived literally 500 million years apart, that hurts the brain.

There’s a water fall outside of Quebec City and on a tour of it and in the literature it’s mentioned about 15 times that it is taller than niagra falls, which it is but it’s only 30 feet wide.

Yes! The family went and watched the new IMAX space movie and when the new astronauts get to space for the first time I was in tears. Imagine that feeling, being in a space ship in outer fucking space!!! That is the pinnacle of life, what else can you possibly do to surpass that.