
My son just turned 5 and we’ve managed to avoid watching cars 1 and 2 so far, but we only watch tv or movie once a week and lately we’ve been going out to the theatre but I was ready for the constant cars but it never really took for him. But the first time we took him to Disney he was super jacked to meet lightning

It mistifies me why people are surprised. Raps were the number 2 seed and just on paper to see a conference final with the 1&2 seeds tied at 2 games a piece would make sense. Couple that with how tough the raps played then during the season and that the raps have exceeded expectations this post season so now they're

How crazy is it going to be for the raps paying Howard less than bizmak is going to get paid. It's bizarro nba.

Took my 5 year old son last night to a sold out screening and the theatre was howling almost constantly. I’m not saying it’s citizen Kane but it’s better than the Madagascar/penguins/Rios of the children cinematic selection.

I haven't washed my face in easily a decade and my skin is amazing.

The blades did that a couple of years ago but it was a Canadian tire logo and if you landed on the middle you won the night price and closest to if nobody got it right on was entered for the season prize.

Outta both his damn shoes!!!! Damn!!!!

Can we get a definition of a bbq. Who the fucks making fries at a bbq? If your having people over to your house for supper, sure there can be fries, but that ain't bbq. If you go into a proper bbq joint, chances are they don't have a fryer, so nothing fried goes on a bbq list.

I think the definition of what bbq ‘Is’ needs to clarified before fighting about which sides are better.

The raptors have been terrible all postseason with getting 8-10 point leads and then they have 6 iso plays in a row, score no points and then bam, tie score.

I think the raptors are a better chemistry fit for bismack and he came in with very little expectations allowing him to have bad games without having him getting crushed by fans and media.

Love bismack, my favourite thing about him is his retro length mid thigh shorts.

I would watch track if it had more scenarios like this. Mystery batons, pole vault Russian roulette where you pick a pile from a group but one of the poles is broken, etc

My wife had a cat when we moved in together and it had likely been hit in the head at some point in its life because it wasn’t all their mentally. The cat would pick a spot to shit in the house and then we had to fight the bastard to find somewhere else to poop, I kept trying for the litres box. Once my son was born

That's my mother in law. It's weird and it's not like it's a nice car, it's a huge prick.

On the last couple of weekends Disney has only had half of the bag checks/security lines open when it was still a long line with all of the lanes open.

My wife and I are from a different school of thought, we didn’t read anything. We figured people having been giving birth since humans began and the doctors and more importantly nurses are highly trained and they know what’s up. I’ve noticed in my experience with others that people who have birth plans and then it

That's the thing I've found with people being around when a kid is misbehaving/tantruming/screaming is that other parents are sympathetic and people who give me bad looks can go fuck themselves.

My son, who just turned 5, has flown countless times and easily the worst one was when he was 2 1/2 years old, because he didn’t want to wear his seat belt on the descent so it was a constant battle through three flights there and three flights home. We don’t watch tv at home so when he gets on a plane and is allowed