
I’ve been looking forward to this, nice to know it’ll be worth the wait!

PC port... PLEASE?

“...sometimes a kid getting his eyes pulled out of his head is hilarious.”

That was pretty much my thought also.

Titanmobile certainly is a challenging fight, but a fun challenge!

When the news first broke out, I considered it about 50/50 whether it was suicide or murder. But as more details come out, the odds shift away from suicide.

I loved the jumping puzzles in Guild Wars 2. I’d hunt them down each time new content was added.

I think you have it backwards. The problem is too much EA involvement. If they had just left Bioware alone we’d have been getting better games.

I don’t mind the shorter seasons in concept, I just think the writers haven’t adjusted to telling the story in a way that fits the shorter seasons better.

And... does this surprise anyone?

Ah yes, the curse of a game with an extensive amount of lore. Oh, how many hours did I ‘waste’ in Morrowind, just reading and talking to people?

Are there stylistic and gameplay similarities? Yes.

Fan dream come true!

I totally understand why it was pulled. I’m glad to see it back now, it was a pretty good teaser.

Oh, those Astro buffs should help. A lot.  I knew it was worth having some patience.

So THAT’S how they justified calling it a ‘live action’ remake.

Now THIS is advertising! If the movie is even half as funny, I’ll be satisfied.

Quite a few of their songs sound like they could have come from the opening or closing of a anime. Some of the videos are certainly interesting too.

As a Final Fantasy XIV player.. this is wrong. So wrong.