Irfan Khan

I saw your chief on television for the first time, yesterday. Disappointing as hell. It seems like when black chiefs a given the choice between justice and keeping whatever little trust they have from their white offices, they almost always come down on the side of the latter. I saw this with the old Dallas chief

For the record, I’m white, but I completely agree. Some family friends of ours lost their husband/father to police violence. No Justice came for them. There is no hope like I’ve seen from people of color in America. It’s a super-endurance hope. And when you show the justified anger, it’s used against you.

Yep. He was shot AT 20 times. Though I think it’s arguably more relevant how many times the officers fired than how many bullets actually found their mark.

Thank you, it’s all so tiring isn’t it? Watching yet another distraught Black family have no choice but to entrust the system to find justice for a loved one. Sometimes I think we are the most patriotic people in this freaking country because we just keep pushing, hoping for the right outcome over & over.

This is the most intelligent argument I’ve heard in years. No sarcasm, that needs to be on t-shirts.

Cops in general are very bad shots. They are trained to keep shooting until their target is down and motionless, which is why you get these insane amount of bullets pumped into their targets. They’re trained on volume, not accuracy.

If Black people were as violent as white america fantasizes about, there would be slaughtered cops every other day.

The genesis of gun control was to keep blacks from having them. Blacks are overwhelmingly in favor of keeping our gun rights, and peeling back the egregious regulations that only harm lawful owners.