Supposedly we can if we all install this Chrome plugin:
Supposedly we can if we all install this Chrome plugin:
O'Keefe managed to destroy ACORN, so sadly, he's still ahead.
You mean like 'America First'?
BLM members were acting as human buffers between the 'Free Speech' protesters and the larger counterprotest in Boston. They escorted the Nazis away from the site, and effectively put a lid on any escalation.
Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations - believed that overfishing was impossible because when stocks became too low to be profitable, people would stop fishing until they were profitable again.
Gamera is really neat
He is filled with turtle meat
Thanks! Added!
Can I ask what is so wonderful about Whedon? I always got the feeling that his fans hadn't consumed much scifi, because they tend to go on and on about how original his stuff is, when all I see is recycled standard tropes.
I'm on the Oregon Coast (first!), and it was slightly foggy and cold, but didn't interfere with the viewing. The light started to dim and become golden, then at totality the streetlights came on and I could hear all my neighbors gasp in awe (as did I).
Or that we come back to the same articles multiple times to check of we've gotten replies.
Got too much respect for you to continue this, Ghost. We disagree - we're not going to do anything except build rancor between us, and I'm not going to participate in that.
Then I'll have to respectfully disagree. Marking someone's existence is a far cry from celebrating their misdeeds.
I dedicate this song to Steve Bannon:
Watch out for snakes!
So all those prisoners who died at Camp Douglas don't deserve a gravestone? Really?
Why is property sacred? If property promotes violence, shouldn't the peaceful want that property destroyed?
I think we're in agreement that the graves of Confederate soldiers, which those are, are perfectly appropriate and acceptable, right?
Marriage Sheriff can be a woman, damn it!
I'm glad I don't have to work today because I am laughing so hard I am *literally* crying.