
That’s how I feel about Georgia and Stacey Abrams.

Please stop confusing ‘trademark’ with ‘copyright’. They are not the same, or even similar.

Just stop.

I like The Searchers, which paints people like him in their true colors.

Everything else can degrade in the vault for all I care.

Sexist, too.

I’m a primate! You’re a primate! We’re all primates!

(Assuming no birds or cephalopods are on this board)

I hated driving in LA, not so much because of the speeding but because no one would let me keep a space cushion. Two car lengths at 70 mph is not enough, but any more than that and someone would slide into it, because they really NEEDED to save that extra nanosecond.

I once surprised people by bringing caviar to a work meeting to share. I had to confess that I got it for $2.99 at Grocery Outlet.

Combine grits with a good cheese, and you are in heaven.

Combine grits with a good cheese, and you are in heaven.

Parodies don’t have to be humorous. The writer of ‘The Wind Done Gone’, a retelling of ‘Gone With the Wind’ from the slaves’ point of view won their case on the grounds of parody.

Unfortunately, they could argue it’s a parody, which is protected under copyright law.

Of course, the fact that they lied about having permission would be a big tell against them.

If Chris Rock had had to seek medical attention, would you be mocking him?

He’s rich, too.

Oh, yeah, let’s mock the person seeking medical help rather than the bully going after him.

Sheesh, dude. What is wrong with you?

Would that they did.

And I still haven’t received my Soros check.

As long as people are keeping their religion to themselves and not legislating it on other people, fine. That’s what religious freedom is.

Well, they’ve read Leviticus, which isn’t really supposed to apply to anyone except Levites, of which there are none.

It always kills me how these people cry ‘Christian Nation’ and yet don’t want the nation (i.e. the government) to do anything Jesus told us to do.

I had a Republican friend bemoan how the ‘Religious Right’ had taken over the R party, and I bemoaned how they’d taken over Christianity.

Definitely prefer Classic Jesus over NuJesus.

Throw in a Celestial Seasonings ‘Zinger’ tea bag into your pitcher, put it in the fridge and you’ll have a sweet, no sugar, refreshing beverage for a fraction of the cost of processed juices.

Washing a full load in a dishwasher is ALWAYS more environmentally friendly than washing by hand.