
And not a moment too soon. Bye, Harv.


I find it odd that he knows he will be arrested on that specific day. He clearly has some connections in the NYPD or his lawyer does; how else would he be tipped off that would happen on Friday? I know he wants to avoid the perp walk, but if he is getting a head-sup out of courtesy, *why*, when the allegations are so

That’s the cycle of abuse right there. Words are just that - words. Let’s see him actually do something about this.

I was horrified by the way they all talked over her.

Bateman’s conflict avoidant mansplaining apologia is unfortunately super familiar to me. So is his humble heartfelt apology. And so is the part when a week, a month, a year from now he says or does some other shit that makes it perfectly clear he didn’t learn nearly as much from this as he’ll give himself credit for.

i’ve had so many conversations with men since last fall about men’s toxic behavior only to be met with more toxic masculinity (most unintentional... let’s hope, but there regardless) from the men in my life that i trust and love. this fucks me up.

“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”

It does but if I was in her position I would assume the professional that was provided for me by the network was trustworthy, once she took that pill and it kicked in she was incapacitated.

I hope she sues the shit out of ABC/Warner Bros and Bachelor. They were the entity that provided the ‘professional.’

“I have kind of held it in for a long time, because in a weird way, I wanted to protect the franchise.”

Now playing

Just gonna stan a bit for Kelly, Kelly, Kelly:

Taylor surprised me because it felt like such a throwback to her old style. I guess the old Taylor is not dead, she just didn’t care to come to the phone.

They’re so stupid they haven’t even thought through what a belief in evolutionary psychology likely means to them. Much of it is based on the idea that these types of guys were completely cut out of the gene pool and certainly from monogamous relationships. Low status/poor, unattractive, socially inept men were not

“I read Betty Friedan’s book because I was very curious about it, and it’s so whiny, it’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these suburban housewives from the late ’50s ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re bored because they don’t have enough

Any time someone uses evolutionary psychology as the crux of their argument you know they are full of bullshit. This guy is an imbecile.

The guys feel totally justified in having high standards, and are mad that women have any.