As someone who has almost the same exact story I can tell you to hang in there. Leave your BPD sister and never speak to her again. I don’t speak to most of my family because of her, but also because of them (they willingly allowed her to gaslight and place fear in everyone). I get the sense that Kim has traits of…
Thanks for grossing us out with this dick’s face that looks like a dick- reminding everyone he brought on trump because he refused to support the woman that beat him in the polls.
In other water is wet news. Honestly, this to women is not news, but I thank you for this article because even though we all are deeply aware of this, we have been gas lighted into the “selfish woman doesn’t want to be treated like a slave and doing all the domestic work trope.”
I don’t watch either. Colbert comes off as creepy ( this comes from someone who was a huge fan of the Colbert Report) and Fallon comes off like a shill. Put Samantha Bee on the night show and I would watch the fuck out of it.
Colbert is ruining this like he ruined the late show, but I never knew that Patrick Wilson had the voice of an angel.
This is not an apology it is a defense dressed up as an apology. People who apologize don’t generally talk about what they didn’t do. Case in point below:
I love how you claim to have a more progressive solution, but your solution is the same shit that incels are spreading and you don’t see the irony.
Poor Hillary Duff. I totally get her anguish. I had the same unrepentant piece of shit pot head neighbor that made it impossible to breath in my apartment. Apparently all of the neighbors were suffering but management refused to do shit.
I love it when women that shit on other women play the “women must protect other women card.” I think it’s fair game to shit on her and other terrible women (i.e. Scarlet Johnson and Oprah) that benefit from the subjugation of other less powerful women. Girl, please you can’t play the feminist card when it benefits…
I don’t care how many times Michelle and Hillary say they won’t run. They are my dream team.
Read Hello_America’s response again. It’s not the same thing. She is talking about patriarchy and toxic masculinity. You are creating fear with stupid statements like it will”only get worse as more women identify as feminists.”
I fell for that crap so easily and ended up bullshit Cabi party where a pushy mom from Virginia tried to push clothes on me and then said that i needed to gain weight because their largest size was too big for me.
Leave it to Whitney Kimball to blind worship every step one female artist takes then make light of another artist getting stalked. Feminist website jezebel is not.
Have you tried St. John’s Wort? It’s an herbal SSRI that is available at most drug stores without a prescription and quite cheap.
He was so ahead of his time -writing about male privilege. Hahaha
I don’t understand why she is being praised for lying for him. He’s clearly a piece of crap so women like her make me angry, because they cover the tracks of trashbags like him so he can keep getting away with it.
Honestly, that would be a better solution.
So glad we have colors to help remind men and the general population that women are people and so you should do something when they are harassed. I get so sad when I see that we need this shit. Also, when people need to use robbing a bank or forcing your guest to have tea to explain why violent felonies like rape are…