That picture of Lupita on the cover is everything. She looks amazing, her signature pout and glowing skin is flawless.
Omg this baby is too cute!!!! #Cuteoverload
This photo of her is chilling. She looks like the devil. Maybe her and Satan Rob Porter are the perfect match.
Fuck that guy. You were too nice to bother to feed the troll and ungrey his ass.
That’s what you gotta out of it you stupid fuck? Way to find a way to blame the woman.
Damn SJP plays that wolf is sheep’s clothing well! She spent years trashing, taking away money from and creating terrible storylines for Samantha and now she is heartbroken Kim Cattrell said they were never friends. I have to side-eye SJP to oblivion because her history of being with terrible men, being bff with this…
Ughhhh why am I not surprised that we again place the burden of change and justice on the shoulders of women, particularly a single woman who has been brave enough to come forward in spite of carrying a 1000 little cuts from patriarchy’s swords.
She named her exercises “The Prostitute”
Bless you for saying this. This article and it’s comments are fucking me up. Really Jezebel? I was rooting for you! You used a woman’s assault to take down a competitor? What the actual fuck?!!! It is very clear from the writing that this is coercion and assault. Please stop trying to further your audience on women’s…
“But a very sexy sociopath.”
This! Also, there are many blinds about him hosting sex parties so I don’t buy his bullshit excuse for one minute. As someone that is around these type of people all the time I can guarantee that these silicon valley fucks are huge misogynists under the guise of “free, open radical acceptance bullshit burning man…