
This article is...kind of annoying. She’s not “Canadian Rosa Parks” kind of weird thing is that to say. Not only is she her own person, but is that “Canadian” qualifier supposed to somehow assert America’s awesomeness or something? These are people, not bacon. 

She’s not the Canadian Rosa Parks. She’s Viola Desmond.

I’m happy to see this. Let’s make sure Canada doesn’t get away with their burial of indigenous genocide by one symbolic gesture. There’s still so much racism in Canada that needs to be acknowledged. #mmiw

It is also possible not to communicate with friends and family without it, which is where the real magic begins.

Ireland is planning a referendum on abortion (the same way they passed a referendum for gay marriage). Hopefully it will pass and Ireland can be welcomed fully into the 21st century. Particularly since their prime minister is a gay mixed race (Irish/Indian) man. Time to extend that tolerance and acceptance to women

I’ve done sales and marketing for almost 2 decades and her ask is not crazy. People need to get out of their, “I hate youtubers, influencers, millennials, or whatever” bubbles and realize that this is a young woman who was just trying to run her business like she’s been told it should be run probably by people above

She thought the Queen of England would be happy about someone publishing a book about her underwear? That takes levels of self-deception I can only stare at, amazed.

I’m side-eying the title of “wokest Globes in history” for a ceremony that almost completely excluded winners of color. Side-eying it hard.

This isn’t a once beloved actor, he’s a 65 year old executive. He was never in anyone’s open arms unless he came with bags of money to make their movie. He’ll have a comeback if he can pay for it.

Luis Guzman and Gina Gershon, so yes.

I didn’t think it was that rude. If people were doing that shit to me every day, I’d have handled it WAY worse. Like, cutabitch worse.

I think it has less to do with what is missing and more to do with what could be missing; in this case, cash income from red light fines.

I guess he thought the judge was some sort of sap.

Florida. Why’d it have to be Florida?

I agree. For me one of the biggest reasons I am against the death penalty is that we get it wrong with some degree of regularity. Look at how many people have been released since the advent of DNA. I would rather the life of one innocent person be spared than to execute 100 guilty monsters.

Not that you care, but white men are now CONSTANTLY told that we didn’t earn anything we have. That we need to shut up. That we are ‘mansplaining’ and appropriating and white-washing and not only do we hear these things constantly, but it’s all OK to say (and I’m sure you are thinking right now that I should shut up

A hoagie?

Think of it like a workplace safety issue. If an industry had a predominance of one kind of disease popping up again and again for its employees, it would need to take corrective measures. Until models start dying of obesity-related causes, the fashion industry is under no obligation to do anything about it. But it