People paid to have filmed sex = legal
People paid to have filmed sex = legal
Throwing women in jail for consenting to sex - along with the trend of treating and labeling women as subhuman because of the kind of consensual sex they have definitely hurts women.
Because Murricans (and humans in general) have a problem with deciding that consensual sex is only okay if they’re okay with the person’s motives for having sex. Sex to have a baby? Good. Sex because your spouse wants it? Good. Sex for pleasure? Bad- mainly if you're an unmarried or single woman or a non-hetero…
Woman here. I DO NOT attach moral judgment to sex work, so long as everyone is an adult, participating freely, and choose to make the transaction. If sex work were legal and regulated, workers would have protections. Customers would have protections. Women and men who were assaulted by a customer could go to the…
I don’t see how incarcerating prostitutes can help them in any way. They are the victims or they are there by their own decision. If they are victims, being a victim is not a crime. If they aren’t, they aren’t harming anybody. For that reason in some countries, pimping is illegal, but prostitution isn’t.
I might not ethically like the idea of a someone being paid for sex, but I think it should be legal. I don’t think pimps should be a legal part, since when you add pimps into the mix you deal with possible coercion and the sex workers not getting their fair share of the money. But if no pimps are involved, and the sex…
Shockingly, making something illegal does nothing to keep the workers marginalized by those laws safe and protected from workplace violence and employer/client abuses.
I don’t get it, porn, where multiple people are paid money to have sex, is legal. While prostitution, where one person is paid money to have sex, is illegal. We need to ban both or legalize both, otherwise the laws are intellectual inconsistent.
Legalizing prostitution would hurt women? How, exactly?
I’m disappointed in my fellow women.
Isn’t that funny? We’re monsters, fat and unfuckable yet men fuck us all the time.
I always find it entertaining how these people always characterize feminists as simultaneously being unfuckable monsters and dick-hungry sluts.
So, supporting a d-bag like Trump will get you in the proverbial doghouse permanently, but taking blood money from one of the worst dictators in Africa is merely a fuckup? I remember a time when artists were called out and hounded by liberal media, for performing in South Africa during the Apartheid years. In the age…
It’s one thing when you are standing up to The Man, or The System or just general shitty critics. That takes balls.
Sanneta Myrie made history at the Miss World pageant as the first contestant to wear her hair in dreadlocks. Myrie,…