
That’s a really big c-pillar and likely some hefty blind spots.

“Still thinking of Abraham Lincoln as the guy who lost the 1858 Senate contest to Stephen Douglas? Think again.”

The last time the Sentinalese had extended contact with the outside world, it was in the form of a freaky pervert Brit who was obsessed with their genitals. He kidnapped two elders and two children. The elders died and he left the children on the beach.

What does it say about me that I’m perfectly willing to accept real-life videogame fights and superpowered vegans, but I can’t suspend my disbelief enough to believe that multiple beautiful women would be throwing themselves at Michael Fucking Cera?

What would you have them do, then? They got more eyeballs on the situation - they weren’t exactly asking for applause for putting in a minimum effort. Even if it was just a learning moment for THEM ALONE, that is still some progress. 

To save his floor board and the manifold, too. 

I thought “Halle Berry” was Helen Keller’s call for a last-ditch throw deep into the end zone?

Wrong section. Mods, please move this post to Meh Car Monday.

Y’all Queda? I can't stop saying "ISIS ISIS BABY" in my mind.

This feels like a chicken-egg situation. Do they act like this because they have no friends, or do they have no friends because they act like this? 

This is how I feel about all of these people, who suck very much:

Yes, ahead of the Niners cutting him, which is what they were going to do.

The good news is that if these two Not-Colin-Kaepernicks can’t play, then the Niners only have one choice left...TOM SAVAGE!
That’s fucking right! TOM-FUCKING-SAVAGE! The 28 year old who actually looks DEAD (Is he even breathing?!)! Proud holder of a perfect 2,000 passing yards! And a 5:7

Supercars aren’t based on cheaper models. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

Here’s a handy list of what he’ll do.

So, you’re saying they also have a winter home in Europe.

It’s worth noting that this loan was given to “old” Chrysler, which took all the debt, while a “new” Chrysler was created and wedded to Fiat, which I believe Canada approved of. Why they kept the loan on the books this long is a mystery. 

they couldn’t pull off the two-point conversion they elected to go for instead of the game-tying field goal.