
”Oh, no. I actually needed some sunscreen. Do you know how I could get some sunscreen?”

and the twin cat boss is just plain cheap. both the area leading to them AND the fight itself.

and they went on to reduce the cast speed, damage and cast number of lightning spears. as if the lighting spears wasn’t easy enough to dodge in the first place.

are you still playing? i think the dev nuke the casters into oblivion few months ago. i remember reading a thread in dks2 subreddit where everyone agree on one thing, the dev love STR build

i also hated it, a lot. anyway, i found out that i have a very excellent magic res shield in my inventory and used it. granted, it’s awkward to wield greatsword one handed after spending the game two handing it, but with some compromise, i found it to be not that hard.

why do i get such a strong journey vibe from the trailer?

yeah, while no voiceover route works in game where you are YOU (skyrim, dragon age, etc), it won’t work in this game. max, instead of just being our proxy in the game, is also a full fledged character with her own personality and thought. i don’t find it weird, but maybe it’s because i see life is strange as glorified

nah,, it's still fine, even if you know the ending. the main attraction of P3 is the social link engagement (to me, anyway), so knowing the ending shouldn't bother you so much. beside, it's always fun (in a masochistic way) trying to make your "perfect" Persona.

Great, this trailer came out to attention just as my video card died. now i'm stuck with my laptop for games (at least until i got my card replaced). good lord.

this game seriously tore me apart whether to spend money on my GPU long overdue upgrade (i still use good old GTX 460) or to save the money for my wedding later in the year.

the witcher 2 is quite fun, if a bit frustating at first. the lore is interesting, but convoluted and confusing if you don't know what's going on, and this series is one of the few game that make me actually read the game codex/journal, and later draw me to read the book. do try to play the second game to see if you

I also really like the fact that you need to go back to the war room to do war mission. however, some mission is stupidly short, like 15 minutes or so. and since i always do war table mission before i roll out in the wilds, 15 minutes mission is not long enough. i think one hour or so mark is the sweet spot for most