This. They’re a pair of political grifters, stirring the pot and laughing as both of their follower totals go through the roof and as they write their stupid books for those followers to buy. I’m 50% sure that Anonymous is George writing about Kellyanne’s experiences.
Why anyone trusts George Conway is beyond me. Its a game to them. This is coordinated to the highest degree. I am pretty sure they are laughing about some media flair up they caused over a Pinot Grigiot.
You’re working under the assumption that either one of them believes a single word they say.
Bill, it’s time for you to shut the entire fuck up forever, serve your time and go away. You’ve had 50 years of drugging and raping and whatnot and by all accounts, we may never -ever- know how many women you violated, given that surely some of them passed on before you were called into account.
Obama banned clove cigarettes, leading to a loss of support from the goth community
To suggest menthol somehow makes Black people or anyone smoke more is a big stretch when we know its the nicotine. Besides, according to the CDC, Natives smoke more than anyone (24%). That’s like trying to ban basil for making people addicted to Ragu when the secret ingredient is really cocaine.
Your job, your role is in the government. KEEP YOUR FUCKING FAITH OUT OF IT. You work in a courthouse, not a church. Hopefully, not for much longer.
There’s one group of people who live in a state of delusion and fantasy. They gathered together to construct, if not a world, an entire country based on their delusion. These people count on their brethren to perpetuate and uphold the delusion even if it means fabricating it, deleting the truth and completely re-framin…
Guys, stop responding to Black Conservative. If he posts and he’s out of the greys, walk away. If he responds to you, flag, dismiss and contact the Help Desk or the author of the posts. Don’t respond, don’t take fucking screenshots of the comment and respond, stop giving the trolls the attention.
Stephen A. Smith is what you get when you give a stupid guy time to fill on the air every day. And he says nothing. Just nothing. Listen to him, I mean really listen to him, and then analyze what he just said. It’s nothing. But he’s mastered the “skill” of making nothing sound like something.
You’ve heard it before. It is the most frequent response to any accusation of police brutality. It is the repeated…