
Will I be able to watch this in my home? How about in the local movie theater? While it's neat technology, it won't be able to reach a very large market and is a stupid idea for DONDA, whose goal is "to make products and experiences that people want and can afford."

That's great. Does it only come in tan or can I get one in ginger?

How are they projecting onto the ground? Won't, you know, the people get in the way? Will people in the front row have to turn around to see the side screens? What a stupid idea.

Six cups a day? That's an awful lot of coffee each day, probably not worth the effort. Once they find similar results with irish coffee, then I'll start making changes to live longer...

Although this sounds like fun, I will be avoiding it like the plague. I keep getting asked how I lost weight, how many miles I'm running each day (training for a marathon in October), how much I'm swimming or biking (Olympic tri in June), ... then they add that they want to do event X too, except they'll somehow go


This is also a useful way to identify your beverage amongst the many. Personally, I like to stack my next beverage on my current one (cans only) to keep buys/seeds/things out, but I've had good luck turning the tab too.

Our AAA has a small DMV office inside. You don't have to be a member to use it. It took me under half an hour to renew my license.

My dogs would love this.

What about those of us that gallop?

It doesn't matter as long as you get the insurance money...

I hate it when people come up with excuses to not learn something: my wife cooks so I don't need to know how, I don't use algebra for work so I shouldn't have to learn it, I won't be a professional so there's no point in playing sports.

I wonder what'd happen if I glued Canadian and real bacon together. Universal bacon? Ameracon?

Where can I buy some transglutaminase? I always thought turkeys would look better with another pair of wings...


I wonder if they'll expand this to blood/platelet donation too. As much as I dislike everything about facebook, I'd be very curious to see who else donates blood regularly (and where they go).

Like others have posted, we sear ours on the stove in a cast iron skillet for 60-90 seconds per side, then they go into the 500 degree oven for 2-3 minutes per side. We'll add butter, salt/pepper, rosemary, dill, etc to pieces of foil, steaks get wrapped in that foil after the oven.

Audiobooks sound like a great idea. I've been meaning to read Lance Armstrong's book - I suppose biking while listening to it would be more motivating than reading it on the couch!

This isn't new - I remember reading it in Here's Looking at Euclid a year ago.