
This reminds me of the Myspace/Facebook banter years ago.

That Verizon FIOS looks mighty tempting. Is there an actual coverage map? I tried entering my address in their service checker form and it keeps telling me that it can't find me, which I'm assuming is Verizon language for "We don't cover your area, but this will annoy you enough to come in to our store and potentially

If the blimp takes the bridal party from the church to reception too, I think we have a winner.

I remember that company having a vaporware-ish vibe, but they gave quite a bit of information on how you might go about building your own water purification device. Who knows, it could be a genuine company/product still jumping through all the regulatory (FDA et al) hoops.

It wouldn't be too surprising if some people paid similar amounts for paper invitations. Personally, I would like to see a bat signal approach...

This was on Beyond Tomorrow a few years ago. I can't remember what the flow rate is (and can't watch the video at work), but here's a start: []

I'd suggest using whatever you know best. I typed notes into Mathematica for all my engineering courses because I can type much faster than write (plus it makes copy & paste a breeze). I've also used OneNote and loved it. I even used LaTeX for a course. Electronic notes definitely have advantages: searchable, legible,

I suppose a 1 toy per person limit makes sense. Looks like I'll have to do some recruiting then. Hopefully beer is still acceptable currency for line standing.

I'm pretty excited for this to come out. Any tips on how to get one (or several) on launch day? Even though Mrs. Zorlox doesn't like the idea, it'd be nice to buy 4, then sell two on craigslist or ebay.

You might have better luck removing the /gallery/ part from the url []

True. But the match has much greater potential for making Mrs Zorlox laugh, allowing me to keep it.

There are livestock based chemical components of both capsules and tablets. If we need cattle around so we can make mag stearate or gelatin, we might as well eat the delicious meat attached to the animal...

Doesn't look to comfortable to hold, but at $9.99 I'm willing to risk it.

Exactly what I was thinking.

This would be much more useful if it used a webcam instead of microphone, then triggers a video (or audio) call through google voice, facetime, skype, etc.

I keep a cooler full of water balloons on my deck. If you honk your horn, set off your own car alarm, neglect to pick up after your dog, or park in the guest-only spots in my neighborhood you should plan on getting wet.

While I agree with this post, I disagree with the title. While I would love to be able to email out wedding invitations, not everyone has/uses an email address and I am slightly terrified of a world where that is considered normal - I get 5-10 emails every day from people who reply-all for no good reason, I imagine a

I don't know that this is considered maintenance because I'm sure everyone who reads Jalopnik does it without thinking, but paying attention to the car (truck, SUV, whatever). Just noticing that something is out of the ordinary could save a small fortune instead of letting it go unnoticed and doing some serious

Let's all get our hopes up for Apple or Google to buy Hulu, then die a little inside when Facebook makes the highest bid. You remember that awesome stuff that Facebook did to Facebook over the last 5+ years*? Now all that wonderful innovation can come to Hulu!