
What a coincidence! Milwaukee is honoring the retiring Bud Selig with the "Pick One" Burger."

Boy, if Mike Francesca wrote a column and was national, he would be KILLING these guys. No contest.

Wow. I only give him credit for saying what he thought. Not blank public official talk at all.



"Hokie" is right....

Lol... I'm going to assume, hopefully, that you meant for that to go to our new mutual friend. Lol.... good rebuttal, by the way.

Nope. From New York. But I'm a sports fan and an artist. So sorry for giving a fuck.

Whoops. Answered you accidentally. See below.

Lol... yeah, get on that, will ya?

Agreed. A lot of teams have secondary logos. I would be very open to the bears keeping the C is their "A" logo and the bear head as it's "B". They have one actually but never really use it. Maybe have two different helmets they could wear. Put the bear one on when they wear the alternate blue and orange (no white)

I like it too but the graphic artist/cartoonist in me is screaming for a really cool three color bear head graphic. I think it's cool that he tried to do both.

I don't think I like your implication, young man.

Agreed. It may be the best one here.

I've long considered re-designing the Jets logo... and yes, it would include a jet.

Wasn't liking the Bears until I noticed that he incorporated the iconic C into the bears mouth. Nice touch.


I think we can all agree that Mo is a class act and we are seeing less and less like him every year. The guy is just quality. And I'm a Mets fan...

Aw, he shouldn't be fired. He said he wouldn't have. If he said he would've... now THAT'S a fireable offense.

And how dare you lump Pepsi and Coke together in one fucked up, ignorant mention. HOW DARE YOU. You fucking Cream soda drinking, non-college attending asshole. Go die now. RIGHT NOW.