
*applauds more*

... missing a detail that created a straw man, OR attempting to derail and gaslight a conversation because you’ve been called out for mansplaining breastfeeding? Just know inside that you’re a bit out of your la leche league with this one.

I would’ve done better to shut up.”

Of course you chose to give your opinion on a thing you can’t biologically do.

I am not putting words in your mouth, you just wrote you failed to delineate.


Basically he is saying that you can use formula only if the baby can't handle breast milk.

You just wrote:

“I am not a woman”

Oh, absolutely - there’s nothing confusing or even hard about gender neutral pronouns. It’s similar to people who whine about how ‘hard’/’confusing’ it is when someone requests a change of gender pronouns - it’s not hard, they just don’t want to do it.

Whenever I hear a concern about clarity, here’s my preferred response:

“Thou art correct. Imagine if the plural “you” were ever to overtake the singular “thou” and represent both - it would be utter confusion! Please, continue thy crusade against the evils of the singular “they,” and be on the watch for those who would

I use the singular they all the time for both myself and in general writing. It’s not as confusing as people make it out to be. It’s no more confusing than having a piece of writing with more than one man or woman.

Also the people who get really jumped up over the use of “they” as a singular and therefore gender replacement term that has been around for hundreds of years with no issue...

Except that’s not what most people are saying. What most people are saying is, stop giving trans roles to cis actors while refusing to consider trans actors for any roles other than trans ones. The distinction is important.

Start giving trans actors roles that aren’t as trans people, and then we can talk about cis actors getting gigs telling our stories. If you limit trans actors to trans roles, you don’t get to complain about your “artistic freedom” or whatever self-serving tripe you’ve invented to justify it. You’ll get fully-justified

Until we live in a perfect world, having these conversations is integral to change. Commenters trying to say that she should have just married someone flawless doesn’t help anything or anyone. If we want things to change, we have to believe that people are capable of change and act accordingly. 

Perhaps it’s not fair to expect Tamblyn to speak up about Barnes and Lysette’s accusations.

¿Por qué no vas y chingas a tu madre?

It makes me feel better, thank you very much.

Oh, we have a flirty one here.