I confess being baffled as to the accusation of pretension being lobbed at Atwood’s work. How is The Handmaid’s Tale pretentious?! How is Oryx and Crake?!
I confess being baffled as to the accusation of pretension being lobbed at Atwood’s work. How is The Handmaid’s Tale pretentious?! How is Oryx and Crake?!
This is the only good take in this thread.
Let’s be friends. I like the cut of your jib.
I hate that there is no room in the article for that possibility, it just goes straight to “haha, Margaret Atwood is a kook!!”
I didn’t even know ChocolateChips had been banned! God, it’s a perfect storm these days.
So agreed about the Jezebel staff; I have had my snarky moments when it seemed that we were cut off from them completely. Knowing that this is not the case, and that they are, in actuality, tirelessly working has had me eating every last word. And I am so heartened by their attention, and constant dedication. A good…
Hey, compañeros.
Race-based self reflection / meaningful self awareness is something too many white progressives simply don’t have the capacity for. The Simpsons (almost entirely) white male writing room’s response to the Trouble with Apu is only a prominent example of this.
But she wasn’t an old White guy with questionable racial views, you neoliberal crypto-fascist!
I TOTALLY AGREE! It’s like... male acting 101! Look serious...now squint a little more... EMOTION!!!!
I think he just squints now?!
So, quick, not all that cool question, did Chris Pratt get work done on his face when he lost all that weight to become Action Star Chris Pratt or is it just that he squints all the time now?
No hay nada que podamos hacer en contra de las caprichosas que leen lo que quieren leer.
I can star myself now, lol.
I am sorry for having been rude to you, it happens to me a lot these kinds of stuff, still, it is not an excuse.
Not only that, but I 2nd and 3rd guess some of my posts because I never know what will start a threadwar or anger the kinja gods. Wouldn’t surprise me if other commenters hold back, too. Just read, nod, and move on.
How draconian. She made me chuckle many times and I hope we’ll see her rise again in the form of another account.
I know I comment less and less frequently, in part because so many of my favorites seem to be leaving or randomly banned.
Note: This article may contain some misspellings of Michael Rapaport’s name. We tried to Google the correct spelling, but Google responded, “Who?”