
Goodbye old Paint, I'm a leavin' Cheyenne.

I actually thought when Kenneth Branagh said he was staying to help the French was sequel bait.

I thought it was robot monsters from outer space.

Secret Service had checked on the existence of recordings "out there somewhere" many weeks ago - zippo, nothing, nada.

That George Clooney, what a Hollywood bad boy. Constantly getting pulled over for DUI, bouncing in and out of rehab, scandal after scandal…oh wait he's a fucking saint.

I'm in it for the vistas.

and Kool Aid

Never gonna lock her up
Never gonna build that wall
Never gonna round 'em up and deport them…

I always figured as Rey thrusts his old light saber at Luke at the end of SWVII, Lukes first words would be "Oh, there that thing is".

I hope this comes out like the first season of True Detective. Mess with my brain, please!

Um, they ARE the same music samples because all the studios use the same Trailerhouses (companies that specialise in making trailers). It's the same editors making all these trailers. So not a big surprise.

Oops I misread I thought it said "The Fat and the Furious"

This is starting to resemble a TV serial version of "Blade Runner". Hopkins is Tyrell, Evan Rachel Wood is Rachel (who doesn't know she is a replicant), I even hear beats of music that evokes Vangelis. It will be interesting if the new movie and this series will affect each other.

All my picks for week 5 were upside down. Total bloodbath. It's rigged, rigged I tell ya. And if my picks are really bad this week, it's all a global conspiracy to make me look like a loser.

Hollywood shouldn't waste time remaking classics. Instead they should remake films that had potential but weren't runaway hits. Many older films have a flaw that can easily be pointed out, giving a new filmmaker a chance to find a better angle with the premise. Not the greatest example, but the remake of Night of

"The Artist", which won the Oscar for best picture is considered a masterpiece, so I went to see it in the theatre and was dumbfounded at how shallow this film was. Unoriginal, stealing from "Singing in the Rain" just for starters. Just because it was a period piece shot in black & white did not mean it was a work

Paisley Park studios is still a functioning recording studio and video studio facility. Many other bands record there and the video studio is used for commercials and other stuff. If they want a Prince museum they should set it up in Downtown not Chanhassen (45 minutes out of the Twin Cities).

Long live the new flesh