Good God, Lemon

What are you even saying

They were $3 in the early 90s when I was a girl scout. And MAC lippies were $14 in the early 2000s. The price of shit goes up. I still put my kid in girl scouts and buy her cookies and I still buy MAC lipstick because it’s amazing.

To pile on some unsolicited advice: Don’t tell yourself you’re a failure because you didn’t do what everybody else says is right with a baby. They can suck it. You’re the parent. Tell yourself that every time someone tries to shit on your choices.

After i had my kid i cried so often and felt enslaved to motherhood. I was no longer me, just somebody’s mother. It’s harsh and exhausting but I came through it and I love Adele even more now for saying publicly how hard it can be for some of us.

It’s like when a bieber article gets posted and tweens rush to the comments to rage.

I bet these bros spend all their free time saying no homo when one of them accidentally brushes a shirt sleeve against the other’s arm

I miss when the comment section was just more crazy ass restaurant stories.

Anybody that would date that bag of crap that calls himself future after he dumped pregnant ciara and then slut shamed her and had his friends publicly pile on is a lame ass nickel.

I have the paragard right now! I am in the process of getting it removed for a Mirena. I originally moved to paragard because I was tired of hormones. Now I have insanely heavy periods. The cramping lessens with time but at first it’s pretty intense. I also have to take supplements because my super super super heavy

Live at the Royal Albert Hall is my shit. Also her iTunes Live album. Every all of thems.

I live in the south. Y’all look at this shit that literally just happened on my phone.

I always wonder what it is about throwing oranges and peanuts on a salad that makes it “asian.”

Does anybody know where I can get those super soft twizzler twists that only seem to appear around halloween?

I love his claim to have the biggest crowds. On reddit a few days ago someone posted photos of how trump wanted a rally to look (crowded all the way up to the stage) and then photos from the back of the yooge ballroom. Empty after the first handful of rows.

How did you even react

The Buzzfeed article also said the president “crashed” the wedding of these geniuses. But when I actually read the article it said that the wedding party watched the president play golf from the windows and then took a chance and ran to him. I don’t know which article is true but they’re lucky they weren’t shot and

If you see and love him as Simon from Misfits first then Ramsay just makes you sad.

What did she do? (Genuinely curious.)

I read a convo between charli xcx and some guy in an old EW last week. They talk about Lean On and how MØ created her own “amazing” thigh area only dance. I went on youtube to see the video and was treated to a top comment that said it looks like she’s “trying to shake shit out of her ass.”

I better not see 5,000 instances of the word “blasian” about this baby because my head will explode. Some fucking idiot followed my husband around a bbq once asking him why I wasn’t pregnant and talking about how “blasian babies are always beautiful.” He is a calm person but he was so pissed about it. I will set her