Good God, Lemon

What? This feels like it’s being taken out of context. SJP said “fit” a couple times but the clickbait link says “weight.” Wanting someone to be fit does not mean you’re calling them fat. Now maybe he was calling her overweight but probably he just wanted her to be FIT.

My husband said as a teen he was in a lagoon in south florida with his friends and manatees were swimming against them and between their legs and stayed to play all afternoon. Im tempted to step foot in florida.

the other day i was in a mac and i mentioned that lippies used to be $14 and they said, ‘how old are you?’ i was like thanks bye.

When I was younger it was all Ashleys, Sarahs and Britneys. Now in my kid’s kindergarten class there are 2 Madisons, 3 in her peewee cheer age group, 1 in our neighborhood she plays with, and probably a dozen more dotted throughout the area. I still can’t think of why everyone named their kid Madison 5 years ago.

YESSS I’m so glad my husband thinks that men who demand their children be named after them are boring narcissists. We do not own our children.

An ulta is finally opening in my town and I am so happy. I love sephora but ulta seems much cleaner and airier in general, probably due to the bright warm lighting and white floors. They also have better sales and more relatable brands.

My family is from Lima and my grandma pronounces water ‘wooder’

That is horrible and genius and I want to be your hetero life partner.

Ugh dont even talk to me about this game. I am supposed to be there right now eating pulled pork nachos from big bad wolves and screaming like an idiot but I am not.

Both. A siberian husky egyptian mummy. My parents think it’s weird and that I should make her wear something else but my kid makes me laugh and she’s cool as hell so no mom and dad I will not crush her halloween dreams of being a dog in bandages.

Disney Store costumes are offensively expensive but really nice and of good quality so I always bought them for my kid. But this year I’m real proud that she decided to be a “siberian husky mummy.” I’ll report back on the success of my costume making.

Liquid lipsticks are the thing right now. Try colour pop.

I always think this too. There was the most obnoxious troll who used to live in my town and had the absolute worst case of baby fever. She always without fail would ask me when I’m getting pregnant and grill my husband about whether he wanted children then go off on a tangent about how beautiful our “blasian” babies

I would listen to a Sting cover of any song.

What’s thks font usually called online?

Same! It’s my comfort/background noise movie. I play it while I clean or cook or organize. Have you seen Lost in Austen? So good.

1,000% I would drink from a Colin Firth mug, yes.

If i want to use the internet to find out if i’ll like a place I just search it on instagram, and if the pictures of their food look good then I go. Yes, I know everyone hates people who instagram their food but Yelp is a hellhole and I like pictures of food, so sue me.

I saw a facebook album of something like 200 ‘memes’ (i say it like that because it’s not a meme just because it’s words on a photo) of reasons vet techs are martyrs and pet owners are stupid. It’s obnoxious.

Oh wtf I am literally wearing those glasses right now. Am I 90s teenmovie Pre-Makeover Ugly?