Good God, Lemon

Same thing happened to me and my friend at a donation center we run. A lady kept coming in and when we told her she didn’t qualify for free stuff she kept asking weird questions like, “What if you’re a widow?” and left in a huff and then came back and tried it on us again minutes later. She came back the next day and

Don’t be ashamed of romance in any subgenre! I love romances. I’ve read some real shitty ones and some truly worthwhile ones. They comfort me when everything is depressing and all my books are too serious.

Yeah it makes no sense. “Hey you’re about to be around forever and she’s my family so she’s also gonna be around forever but anyway she hates you so what colors should we choose for our wedding?”

Why did she tell her fiance that her family member hates him and thinks he’s a sucking leech? There’s being honest and then there’s just not knowing how to shut the fuck up.

We women don’t even go to vs for comfy undies. That shit is cheap, tacky, paper thin, and rides up your ass crack.

Some violations have nothing to do with cleanliness and more to do with state mandates. Like if a bottom shelf isn’t 6 inches off the floor that’s a point. If there aren’t full sanitation solution buckets under every work station that’s more points.

Oh hug your neck, sweet pea.

But, like, when will anybody ask her about her weight or her skin color? Or the fact that she’s a woman? Oh that’s literally every interview.

Let’s also talk about how bella hadid is 18 and the weeknd is 25.

Oh jesus I didn’t even think of Reid I just stared at Read like ‘wtf even is this?’ I know a girl whose kid is named Aeron and I know that it’s Aaron but seeing the word makes me think of air mattresses and cooling units.

Someone on fb said a few months ago that she is naming her daughter “Kaylee but with creative spelling.” I about died. For years my friend and I have used the term creative spelling to mercilessly roast these idiots. I know someone whose kids are named wyeht gareht and breht.

“Laugh it up, Jewess.”

Tarps! Just cover all that shit up, weight it down and the grass will die.

My mom had preeclampsia with me and had to have a tubal ligation after I was born because another kid would probably have killed her. Her doctor had a whole game plan to medivac her to Cincinatti Children’s Hospital around my due date and they made my parents sign papers choosing who should survive in the event that

It’s thousands of dollars worth of facials and creams

My favorite is when someone posts really anemic looking food in low light under a flash like a martha stewart hall of fame shot and go #wifeystatus

Hell yeah we could. Helping homeless Veterans is a huge passion of mine. But what does that have to do with telling young active duty soldiers that their achievements are something you’re ashamed to be proud of?

I was an airman and my husband is an airman. My dad was an airman and my grandpa was a soldier. I have nothing but respect for the teenagers who join up just wanting a future. We are not the generals and senators who run the “complex.” We’re just people with jobs, like anybody else. We’re meteorologists and nurses and

When I enlisted years ago my dad was really positive about it but now that he’s older he’s getting weirdly more republican as time goes on and has said he doesnt think women should go into armed combat. It’s a fight to the death with us if the subject comes up.
