My dad says all i wanted was books and food
My dad says all i wanted was books and food
My brother used to bring his kids over and every single time leave a nuclear bomb diaper in the kitchen trash. In the kitchen where all the food and eating is. I would raise hell. Even in the dead of winter i take a diaper out to the street can. I don’t have the patience to smell shit in my house all day.
My pediatrician had a specific can for diapers with a handy roll of bags in every exam room so this lady’s baby doctor was not well prepared for babies, in my opinion.
You must be talking about pale asians, because those of us with dark skin are definitely not considered another kind of white.
Didn’t she also say at one point that she was too old to be tripping over dogs?
Why the fuck are we using being friends with Jaden Smith as an insult. Kylie, don’t you be in Jaden’s bed in black and white tumblr photos? Wasn’t that your makeup on his face coming out the theatre? Girl, go somewhere.
All true. The south is a weird and wonderful place and sometimes it all feels like a gothic novel come to life but its also very frustrating. The level of widespread ignorance and racism is stupefying. People blindly stan for a symbol that they think means one thing because they grew up with momma and daddy flying it…
Lol there is also a private school down the road that was originally called southern heritage now its just plain heritage. Some Southern people never seem to let up on what they believe to be their proudest legacy.
No we have a girls softball team that wins championships and a pretty good football team and it’s the best public school in the region. People from the next state over fake addresses to send their kids there. The uniforms just say FEDS and have a c with crossed sabres which was confusing to me since I moved from…
My old high school is on confederate drive and the school mascot is the confederate. The shit is mind boggling.
I have no problem with a grown ass married woman singing about sex. I just don’t want to hear about Jay-Z’s dick.
NO. It is not a hardship to have makeup for black skin tones. They sell palettes in every range for professionals to buy. A friend of mine has stacks on stacks of foundation and concealer palettes ranging from paper white to peachy, sandy, warm browns, and blue blacks. She never says sorry I don’t have your shade.
i used to do that and apologize for the food or my house or talk about the time i spent but julia child says nobody really cares and it makes guests feel awkward so now i strut when i serve my food and nobody has to give me fake pity comfort compliments JUST REAL ASS ONES cos my food is legit
Hahaha now I don’t have to wonder anymore
I have both of these ohmigod youre saying if i dont wear my glasses ill end up cockeyed?!
The technology. It used to be you went to an optometrist who used lights and charts and a big manual prescription finder that hangs down in your face. Now they have machines that take a photo of your eye and automatically adjust until it registers that you can see perfectly and then tells the doctor your prescription.…
Randy was the absolute goddamn worst and red became a cartoon that last season. I can’t believe that 70s show is almost 20 years old.
He seems like a pretty cool guy to me. I also wonder why jezebel hates adam levine. There never seems to be a reason other than somebody needs to be shit on to give the piece that special gossipy perez hilton-like condescending tone.
Eh, I never said I thought they were real. Just great looking.
I caught a few minutes of an episode awhile ago where she sat in her dermatologists office and he brought in four or five laser machines and she said things like, “I don’t like this scar on my knuckle.” And he agreed to remove it. Rich women with beautiful skin is not an accident.